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Digging into AWS Fargate runtime security approaches: Beyond ptrace and LD_PRELOAD

Fargate offers a great value proposition to AWS users: forget about virtual machines and just provision containers. Amazon will take care of the underlying hosts, so you will be able to focus on writing software instead of maintaining and upgrading a fleet of Linux instances. Fargate brings many benefits to the table, including small maintenance overhead, lower attack surface, and granular pricing. However, as any cloud asset, leaving your AWS Fargate tasks unattended can lead to nasty surprises.

Netskope Threat Coverage: DarkSide

DarkSide is a ransomware-as-a-service platform that made headlines on May 8, 2021, for targeting Colonial Pipeline, resulting in a shutdown of their pipeline operations. The DarkSide ransomware platform first appeared in August 2020, advertising that they would not target organizations in the education, government, medical, or non-profit sectors.

Teleport Cloud in 2021: Security Audit Results

This year we launched Teleport Cloud, a new service for providing a hosted version of Teleport Access Plane. One of the first problems the team had to tackle was how to secure the new infrastructure properly, and the team wanted to ensure the best possible results by engaging in an independent audit. As with the Teleport core product, we engaged with Doyensec to provide an independent security audit of our production environment.

Industrial Cybersecurity: Guidelines for Protecting Critical Infrastructure

Over the weekend, the Alpharetta-based Colonial Pipeline was hit by an extensive ransomware attack that shut down its information technology (IT) and industrial operational technology (OT) systems. Simply put, an all-too-common ransomware event targeting IT systems encouraged a voluntary shutdown on the production side (OT) of the business to prevent further exposure. Colonial Pipeline is responsible for 45% of the gasoline, diesel fuel and natural gas transported from Texas to New Jersey.

eBonding Integration: ServiceNow Incidents to 5 Destinations: PagerDuty, Twilio, Slack, ElasticSearch/Kibana and Email

In this blog, we will walk through the scenario of sending or E-bonding ServiceNow incidents to 5 destinations simultaneously, using Robotic Data Automation and AIOps Studio. E-bonding refers to a scenario where data is delivered (one-way) or synchronized (two-way) between two or different systems, which are typically under different administrative boundaries. E-Bonding term originally appeared in Service Provider and Telco space (see: ATT E-Bonding).

Top 5 Payment Fraud Types Banks and Merchants Should Be Aware of in 2021

Hallowe’en is still months away, but Frankenstein is out trick-or-treating even as you read this, and the operative word here is “trick”. Payment fraud criminals continue playing their games with financial institutions’ (FIs) customers and online merchants.

Norwegian DPA issues GDPR non-compliance notice to Disqus

This year has already seen over 100 GDPR non-compliance decisions. Mostly limited to regional companies, but a few have made larger news. The latest company poised to be fined is Disqus. Disqus is a commenting platform that companies can embed in their sites or applications to allow visitors to leave comments on individual articles or pages. Norway's data protection authority has notified Disqus that they intend to issue a non-compliance fine of NOK 250,000,000 (about EUR 2,500,000).

What are the top misconceptions about machine learning?

Many businesses are now talking about artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically machine learning, as a way to solve data problems more effectively. In theory, this sounds easy. What could be better than using AI to get a computer to learn how to solve a problem over time, without manual intervention? The reality is very different, however.

Open source license compliance and dependencies: Peeling back the licensing layers

How can you successfully navigate open source license compliance? Start with the right tools to identify your dependences and calculate their risks. What if you have an open source software package licensed under a permissive license like the Apache or MIT, but inside that package are dependencies licensed under a restrictive license like the General Public License (GPL)? What are some best practices to follow?

A Threat As Old As The Internet: Why We Still Care About Malware (And Why You Should Too)

Every career has defining moments. Most are spread out over years or even decades, but the cybersecurity world has had two career-defining moments just in the past year. It started with the global shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Overnight, many organizations were forced to support employees working remotely. CISOs, like me, were expected to keep both our company and its employees safe in a completely unpredictable world.