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Lookout Obtains FedRAMP JAB P-ATO for SASE: What It Means for You

While the pandemic brought on unprecedented challenges related to full-scale telework, it has also moved cybersecurity to the top of the U.S. government’s agenda. I have been very encouraged by the various actions taken by the Biden administration, beginning with the May 2021 executive order directing federal agencies to rapidly adopt a Zero Trust architecture.

Will the Cloud Kill Security Agents?

The “agents or no agents” debate is ancient and eternal. Every decade or so, we go through another round of “agents are terrible, let’s end them” and “we need more visibility and control to secure the system, maybe we’ll call it a ‘sensor’ this time.” We ultimately always land on the same conclusion. There are no silver bullets. Today, the debate is alive and well because cloud is the new frontier, so surely agents are dead this time?

Nation-State Actors or Common Cybercriminal, Your Cyber Fundamentals May Be Your Achilles' Heel

I have seen quite a few articles of late proclaiming that a major cyberattack against Australia is imminent as a result of the ongoing situation in Ukraine, and in truth it's kind of riled me up a bit. The most recent announcements about Australia promising cyber support to Ukraine has increased speculation on this question.

How to Encrypt S3 Buckets Automatically with Torq

S3 buckets without encryption can leave sensitive data exposed and at risk. As a best practice and to meet a number of industry and governmental regulations, it’s important to ensure that S3 server side bucket encryption has been properly applied at all times. To do this, many security teams rely on their Cloud Posture Security Management (CSPM) platform and/or AWS GuardDuty to monitor their AWS resources and provide alerts when an S3 bucket is found unencrypted.

How Cybercriminals are Leveraging Weaponized AI for Cyber Attacks

In the world of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the way we discover, respond, and recover from cyberattacks. But despite the several advancements of AI in cybersecurity, cyberattacks are becoming more and more dangerous because of AI. Cybercriminals are now leveraging existing artificial intelligence tools and AI-based technologies for use in their own attacks, and as a result, cyber threats and attacks are becoming harder to prevent.

Important Detection and Remediation Actions for Cyclops Blink State-Sponsored Botnet

Working closely with the FBI, CISA, DOJ, and UK NCSC1, WatchGuard has investigated and developed a remediation for Cyclops Blink, a sophisticated state-sponsored botnet, that may have affected a limited number of WatchGuard firewall appliances. WatchGuard customers and partners can eliminate the potential threat posed by malicious activity from the botnet by immediately enacting WatchGuard’s 4-Step Cyclops Blink Diagnosis and Remediation Plan.

The Route to FedRAMP Authorization for Devo

I joined Devo in May of 2021 to lead the company’s FedRAMP efforts. After a lot of work from many talented, experienced people, we have reached our first public milestone. Devo is now officially listed as “In-Process” on the FedRAMP Marketplace! First, I want to thank the Small Business Administration (SBA) for being our FedRAMP sponsor. We couldn’t have achieved this initial milestone without their support.