Microsoft, Okta Share Details on Recent Lapsus$ Cyberattacks
Read also: Italy’s state railway operator halts ticket sales due to a suspected cyberattack, malicious npm packages target Azure developers, and more.
Read also: Italy’s state railway operator halts ticket sales due to a suspected cyberattack, malicious npm packages target Azure developers, and more.
When it comes time for an employee to leave your organization, you want it to be on friendly terms. But there are definitely limits to how friendly you want folks to be after they leave. Especially when it comes to accessing materials from their old position for their new endeavors. In a recent bizarre case, it was reported that a former acting Department of Homeland Security Inspector General has pleaded guilty to stealing government software and data for use in his own product.
On March 21st, President Biden released a warning about the possibility of Russian cyber warfare attacks against targets in the West as a response to sanctions. This is apparently backed by “evolving intelligence” and specifically mentions American companies and critical infrastructure.
By 2023, over 500 million digital apps and services will be developed and deployed using cloud native approaches. To put that in perspective, more applications will be developed on the cloud in a four-year period (2019-2023) than the total number of apps produced in the past 40 years. Clearly, organizations are buying into the cloud. But the question is: Do they fully understand it? And do they know how to secure the applications they built within it?
Many Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools struggle with false positives. They often report that a vulnerability is present, while, in reality, it does not exist. This inaccuracy weighs down the engineering team, as they spend productive hours triaging the false alarms. By setting a benchmark of false positives — a limit, above which is unacceptable — you can establish a point of reference or standard against which to measure the efficacy of your SAST tool.
-In the hours after news broke that Lapsus$ claimed to have breached Okta, an enterprise identity and access management firm, SecurityScorecard’s Threat Research and Intelligence team conducted a rapid investigation into Lapsus$ to provide customers and partners with the very latest in actionable security intelligence and insights related to this emerging cybercrime group. -Lapsus$’s targets have quickly evolved from Brazilian and Portuguese organizations to high-profile U.S.
As revealed in the 2021 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM — which is based on the results of a survey of more than 1,000 security practitioners — organizations are frustrated with their SOC’s lack of effectiveness in performing its vital work. To combat the concerns the survey identified, it’s important for SOCs to refine how they operate.
In the business of security, linking performance metrics to strategy has become an accepted best practice. If strategy is the blueprint for building a security operations center (SOC), metrics are the raw materials. But there is a catch: a security organization can easily lose sight of its strategy and instead focus strictly on the metrics that are meant to represent it.
There are multiple ways to store sensitive passwords. And while having choices can be great, in the context of password storage, picking wrong can be a security nightmare. With that in mind, let’s hash out some of your options 🥁🥁.In this article we’ll discuss how you should hash passwords in your Java applications. While you can apply these principles to any ecosystem, we’ll specifically showcase the best way to handle password hashing in Java.
Trading on the stock market has only grown more complex in the past few decades. Thanks to high frequency trading (HFT) and the rise of Big Data in financial markets, it’s impossible for an individual investor, trader or stock analyst to make the right investment decisions quickly enough to react to an increasingly complex market. With traders needing to make investment decisions on-the-spot in seconds, not minutes, it’s unsurprising that they have turned to rule-based automation and AI.