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NIST Cybersecurity Framework for Office 365

‍With more than a decade long history of businesses adopting cloud computing, less than one-third of the enterprises have a documented cloud strategy as per Gartner's estimation. Despite the increased migration to cloud security, we discussed the top cloud security risks that security experts are afraid of today.

3 BYOD Security Risks and Challenges

It’s estimated that over 50% of employees use their personal devices for some work activities. As more people use their personal smartphones or laptops to do their jobs, the security risks at an organization increase dramatically. BYOD — whether instituted as a formal policy or as an adaptation to the pandemic — opens a company’s systems and platforms up to hacking, data loss, and insider threat.

Detecting Cobalt Strike with memory signatures

At Elastic Security, we approach the challenge of threat detection with various methods. Traditionally, we have focused on machine learning models and behaviors. These two methods are powerful because they can detect never-before-seen malware. Historically, we’ve felt that signatures are too easily evaded, but we also recognize that ease of evasion is only one of many factors to consider.

Why should DevOps teams choose IAST?

No matter where you are in your AppSec program, IAST tools can grow and scale with your organization’s needs. DevOps principles and practices are continuing to be adopted by a wide variety of companies, and here at Synopsys we’re working with our customers to help them in this journey. When it comes to DevSecOps, we have a comprehensive portfolio of products and services to help build security into every DevOps environment.

Effective Cyber Crime Investigations Demand Thoughtful Disclosures

The lifecycle of a cyber security incident can be broken up into three stages: investigation, remediation and notifications/disclosures, the latter often being the most complex, time consuming and costly. Disclosure challenges are compounded due to breach notification laws that require initial statements before the investigation is completed and the incident is fully contained. They can also stem from improper interpretation of digital forensics findings.

What is network segmentation? NS best practices, requirements explained

If you follow cybersecurity current events, you may know that the cost and frequency of a data breach continue to skyrocket. Organizations are constantly under attack, and the shift to remote work is only exacerbating the problem. According to IBM’s 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report, most respondents are concerned that identifying, containing, and paying for a data breach is more burdensome today than ever before.

Is automated vulnerability scanning the best way to secure smart vehicles?

To those who pay attention to such things, it seems like a new vulnerability in smart car systems is found every week. In 2020, the numbers beat all previous years. The inescapable conclusion is that smart cars are now among the favorite targets of hackers and APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) actors. One of the main reasons for this is the sheer number of different systems that the average connected car contains today.

Complete Guide on Man in the Middle Attack ( MITM ) For Mobile Applications

Businesses have known for a long time that there always are weak links in security, especially mobile security. The worse part is not that businesses get affected by these security issues, but the fact that public awareness is terribly low on how vulnerable this can be. The man in the middle attack has been one of the most exploited ways hackers have tried and managed to steal information and money.

Failed SIEM Projects And How To Avoid Them

You purchase a license (through an RFP process or not), the integrator comes, gathers information about your environment, two weeks later they come to set up the configuration and then you start seeing beautifully ingested logs from all across your environment, allowing you to define meaningful correlation rules. Well, of course, that’s nonsense. It’s never as smooth and straightforward, no matter what the vendor claimed in their datasheet or proposal.