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ICYM: 4 lessons for securing codebases from secrets exfiltration

Last month we hosted a webinar dedicated to discussing the issue of codebase security. As trends like secrets and credential exfiltration continue to be of concern within systems like GitHub, threats, such as cryptojacking and supply side attacks, have become more of a problem. This makes understanding key aspects of codebase security very important. That’s why we pulled out 4 lessons from our recent session that developers and security engineers must know.

Practical solutions for a secure automotive software development process following ISO/SAE 21434

The final draft international standard (FDIS) of ISO/SAE 21434 “Road vehicles – cybersecurity engineering” was released in May of this year, with the final version expected to be released a few months later.

Graylog Illuminate: Getting Started with Sysmon

The Windows System Monitor (Sysmon) is one of the chattiest tools. With all the information coming in, it can be difficult and expensive to use it efficiently. However, the Graylog Illuminate package gives you a way to fine-tune it so that you can get better data and manage your ingestion rate better. Sysmon gives you awareness of what’s going on in your endpoints.

Security measures for data protection

All of us take our personal security very seriously – after all, when was the last time you left your house without locking your front door? Sadly the same can’t be said for the care we take about our personal data – both our own, and that of other people. But personal data is an integral and unignorable fact of life, and we need to ensure we’re taking care of it in both our personal and professional lives.

SQL Injections: Is There a Way for Real-Time Tracking and Prevention?

SQL injection (SQLi) is one of the most common code-injection techniques used to get information from one’s database. Generally speaking, this is malicious code placing in one’s database via a page input, most often a registration form. SQL injection usually occurs when you ask a user for input, like their username/user ID, and instead of a name/id, the user gives you an SQL statement that you will unknowingly run on your database.

SAP Security Monitoring and Why Is It Important

Security is a key element required by any enterprise technology for ensuring business success and growth as well as trust in their buyers. But where to start in setting up a security posture in your SAP environment? As a security specialist, you know your customers are usually only a click away from your services and products. Your clients might only notice technical deficiencies and will not get into detail about the security aspects of all the systems you use.

How to Establish a Culture of Secure DevOps

We’re constantly told to “Shift Left” and that Secure DevOps is the only way to have confidence in your cloud native applications. But speaking to end-users and industry colleagues, it’s clear that there are some major challenges in adopting Secure DevOps. If we read our history books, we know that DevOps wasn’t successfully adopted by buying tools, and a true cultural movement towards DevOps wasn’t established by having a small dedicated team of DevOps specialists.

Netskope Enhances Its Leadership Position in Latin America

Netskope recently announced that we have closed a new round of financing of 300 million dollars, which was led by ICONIQ Capital and a group of existing investors, including Base Partners, a technology-focused expansion capital investment firm based in São Paulo, Brazil. Following this over-subscribed round of funding, Netskope achieves a post-payment valuation of $ 7.5 billion.

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework: Security Checklist And Best Practices

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is part of the US Department of Commerce and was founded in 1901. NIST was originally established to help the U.S. industry become more competitive with economic rivals and peers, such as the UK and Germany. NIST prioritizes developing measurements, metrics, and standards for technology used in different industries.