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How bots are ruining online gaming for players and publishers

The old saying goes “cheaters never prosper”, but sadly that is not always the case in online gaming. In dark corners of the internet, new ways of cheating at online games – and getting away with it – are being developed on an alarming scale. Both purchasable and “free to play” (F2P) games now offer rewards either in exchange for real world currency or through “grinding” in game, which takes time and effort.

Manual security testing services vs. automated AppSec tools: Which to use?

Manual security testing services and automated AppSec tools have their place in DevOps. Knowing which to use will make your security efforts more effective. AppSec tools that can quickly identify secrets or sensitive data accidentally (or intentionally) inserted in source code are crucial in automatically scanning millions of lines of code to find critical security issues.

A Zero Trust Security Approach for Government: Increasing Security but also Improving IT Decision Making

Public sector organisations are in the middle of a massive digital transformation. Technology advances like cloud, mobile, microservices and more are transforming the public sector to help them deliver services as efficiently as commercial businesses, meet growing mission-critical demands, and keep up with market expectations and be more agile.

Trickbot Detections: Threat Research Release, July 2021

Criminal gangs are constantly improving their ways of delivering malicious code to victims. The delivery of this code is fundamental in order to subsequently install payloads that maximize the effect of exploitation and allows them to move laterally, and install further crimeware to quickly reap profits such as crypto mining, ransomware, data exfiltration, or even more sophisticated payloads such as banking fraud web injects.

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The Cost of Avoiding Security Automation

Security touches every aspect of an organization's infrastructure and influences most of its processes. That's a lot to cover, and it seems like there are never enough people to handle the work. Even with budgets increasing by an average of 10% annually over the last 5 years, the recent increase in remote work and cloud adoption is stretching security teams even thinner.

7 Internet of Things Threats and Risks to Be Aware of

The internet of things (IoT) is a highly developed space that is home to a vast amount of sensitive data, making it a very attractive target for cybercriminals. Threats and risks continue to evolve as hackers come up with new ways to breach unsecured systems -- posing a threat to the ecosystem itself. Let’s take a look at the leading threats and risks to the IoT and the associated vulnerabilities that must be secured.

Benefits of Outsourcing cyber security (and risks!)

We all know how cyber security has become an increasingly important issue as the reliance on internet-connected devices has increased. This is why some companies are looking for third-party providers to handle their IT security needs to free up resources and reduce costs. Find out what you should be looking for in a provider, as well as why outsourcing cyber security can be a good option for some businesses.

Getting started with Snyk for secure Python development

If you’re a Python developer looking to easily secure your applications, you’re in the right place! Snyk helps you secure all the code making up your Python app — your own code, the open source libraries you’re pulling in, your containers, and your infrastructure as code (IaC) — by integrating seamlessly into your existing development workflows.