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The Real Problem with Ransomware

Ransomeware can be a company’s worst nightmare. It’s not simply “getting a virus” or “clicking on a malicious email.” It is a systematic plan created by hackers to take your private information. Once they have a foothold in your private data, they use their position to blackmail you into submitting a payment. Technology to prevent ransomware has gotten better but attackers have gotten smarter and more methodical.

DevOps vs. Agile: What Is the Difference?

DevOps and Agile are popular modern software development methodologies. According to the 14th Annual State of Agile Report, 95% and 76% of the respondents stated that their organizations had adopted Agile and DevOps development methods, respectively. Interestingly, both approaches have the same aim: deliver the end product as efficiently and quickly as possible.

The risks of spreadsheet complacency

Where would we be without our beloved Excel spreadsheets? Since Microsoft first launched its Excel spreadsheet software in 1985, it has grown to arguably become the most important computer program in workplaces globally. The spreadsheet has truly become entrenched in daily business processes as well as critical applications - but the million dollar question is - are spreadsheets secure? Unfortunately when it comes to spreadsheet security, with popularity comes complacency.

Getting to Resilience

When I turned 7, I got my first BMX bike. Of course, within a week my best friend and I built a ramp with plywood and cinderblock. I remember the first jump vividly. I sped down the street like a miniature Evil Knievel and hit the ramp at a pretty good clip. A moment after I caught “big air,” my front tire hit the road, and I went over the handlebars – leaving a fair amount of skin on the road.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secured version of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is a protocol used to transfer data across the Web via a client-server (web browser-web server) model. HTTPS encrypts all data that passes between the browser and server using an encryption protocol called Transport Layer Security (TLS), preceded by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

How Social Norms Can Be Exploited by Scammers on Social Media

Social media platforms are excellent hunting grounds for scammers. This is where we connect with our friends or people who we have something in common with. This is precisely what scammers exploit—our connections and the trust that is afforded between friends or acquaintances. From an early age, we are taught to be kind and compassionate as well as to help others, especially people we know such as friends and family. In turn, they will help us if we ever need it.

Kubernetes security issues: An examination of major attacks

In a never-ending game of cat and mouse, threat actors are exploiting, controlling and maintaining persistent access in compromised cloud infrastructure. While cloud practitioners are armed with best-in-class knowledge, support, and security practices, it is statistically impossible to have a common security posture for all cloud instances worldwide. Attackers know this, and use it to their advantage. By applying evolved tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), attackers are exploiting edge cases.

9 migration considerations to help rein in content sprawl

The past year and a half has posed unprecedented challenges to society, at every level. For companies adjusting to a more distributed workforce, with newly remote workers and no central place of business to anchor their teams, the corresponding flood of unmanaged content and shadow IT has been a serious test of their organizational fortitude. For these companies, business-critical content can go unchecked, dispersed between the cloud and corporate hard drives—a scenario known as content sprawl.