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A Practical Guide for Implementing and Managing Remote Access Solutions

Not long ago, remote access was reserved for a select few, such as traveling salespeople and senior executives. Today, it has become ubiquitous. Indeed, users across many roles and functions in the modern office now routinely connect to the corporate network from off-site locations and work with resources as if they were connected to the local network. However, allowing users to access corporate resources remotely introduces security risks, so robust management is vital.

Understanding the Latest Threat Landscape: Insights from Mandiant M-Trends

In the constantly evolving world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of emerging threats requires continuous vigilance and adaptation. Fortunately for those of us in the industry, we’ve been able to count on highly respected digital forensics and incident response specialists like Mandiant to publish annual research on the latest security trends seen first-hand by their global teams.

Rising Threat: How Encoded URLs are Evading Secure Email Gateways

In a concerning trend observed recently, threat actors are increasingly leveraging encoded URLs to bypass secure email gateways (SEGs), posing a significant challenge to email security defenses. According to recent findings by Cofense, there has been a notable uptick in attacks where threat actors manipulate SEGs to encode or rewrite malicious URLs embedded in emails. This tactic exploits vulnerabilities in SEG technologies, allowing malicious links to slip through undetected to unsuspecting recipients.

Emerging IoT Wiper Malware: Kaden and New LOLFME Botnet Variants

Wipers are malware that delete data on a device or make it inaccessible. They can be used for sabotage, to destroy evidence of an attack or simply to make a device unusable. IoT wipers often rewrite important parts of the firmware of an IoT device, rendering that device useless, so they are also known as “brickers”. Recent notorious examples of IoT wipers are AcidRain which was used by a Russian APT to brick satellite modems in Europe at the outset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

SAST - All About Static Application Security Testing

Updated on 07/18/2024 Static Application Security Testing (SAST) has been a central part of application security efforts for more than 15 years. According to the Crowdstrike 2024 State of Application Security Report, eight out of the top 10 data breaches of 2023 were related to application attack surfaces, so it’s safe to say that SAST will be in use for the foreseeable future.

Part 2: How Egnyte Built its Turnkey Retrieval Augmented Generation Solution

In Part 1 of this series, we explored the intricacies of language models' "Retrieval" aspect, delving into how these models search and pull relevant information from vast data repositories. As we continue our journey into understanding the inner workings of language models, let’s turn our attention to the next crucial stage, "Augmentation and Generation." In this blog post, we will explore the augmentation and generation phase, a process that is integral to the functioning of the RAG pipeline.

Streamline Compliance and Strengthen Data Protection Using Netskope's Integration with the ChatGPT Enterprise Compliance API

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, maintaining compliance standards and ensuring secure usage of generative AI applications remains an important priority for enterprises. Across the globe, regulatory frameworks like the European Union’s AI Act have been established to ensure that AI systems are developed and deployed in a manner that prioritizes safety, transparency, ethics, and fundamental rights.