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How to Classify, Protect, and Control Your Data: The Ultimate Guide to Data Classification

In our digital world, data fuels businesses. This power brings huge responsibility. Cyber threats are real and present dangers. One data breach can destroy a company causing money problems and long-lasting harm to its name. These breaches cost a lot – $4.45 million on average in 2023. This shows we need strong protection right away. Data classification forms the base of this protection. When you grasp and use good data classification methods, you can guard your most important asset: your data.

Can Someone Hack My Home WiFi?

Yes, it is possible for someone to hack your home WiFi. This can occur if you have a weak WiFi password, if you fail to update your router’s software or through a method called Domain Name Server (DNS) hijacking. Continue reading to learn how your home WiFi can be compromised, the signs of a hacked WiFi router, the steps to take if you get hacked and effective measures to prevent your home WiFi from getting hacked.

Tech Analysis: CrowdStrike's Kernel Access and Security Architecture

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, the need for dynamic security measures is critical. Due to Windows’s current architecture and design, security products running in the platform, particularly those involved in endpoint protection, require kernel access to provide the highest level of visibility, enforcement and tamper-resistance, while meeting the strict performance envelopes demanded by large enterprise clients.

Balancing Escalating Security Concerns While Pursuing Business Innovation

Australia's business leaders face a complex and rapidly evolving market landscape that is highly competitive, globally interconnected, and demands a proactive approach to risk management. As continued technological innovation drives business development, efficiency, and success, it simultaneously empowers malicious threat actors to evolve and attack successful businesses more sophisticatedly.

Why Your eTMF Vendor Doesn't Want You To Know About The Exchange Mechanism Standard

Traditionally, TMFs were immense paper files amassing all the required information and evidence for future audit. The manual collation of data and resources was time-consuming and prone to human error. Paper filing is difficult at scale, especially when some trails last more than a decade. To alleviate these issues, companies began storing their Trial Master Files in electronic formats about 14 years ago.

Move From FedRAMP to DoD with Impact Level Assessment

We’ve written extensively before about FedRAMP’s impact levels. As a brief refresher, there are four: You can read our full guide to these four impact levels, how they’re calculated, and what they mean in this post. One important thing to know here is that FedRAMP is not the be-all and end-all security framework for the government.

Industry-specific criteria in SOC 2+

SOC 2+ reports have become increasingly crucial for organizations aiming to demonstrate their commitment to security and compliance. While the standard SOC 2 framework provides a solid foundation, many industries require additional criteria to address their unique risks and regulatory requirements. This article explores the concept of industry-specific criteria in SOC 2+ reports and how they enhance the value of these assessments for specialized sectors.