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What Is Data Loss Prevention?

Every organization faces data security threats, which become more complex when integrating technologies like cloud computing or hybrid working options. That’s why it is critical to implement robust data protection to safeguard critical assets such as intellectual property, personally identifiable information, and sensitive financial data. This challenge is further augmented by the growing number of regulations imposed by governmental and industry bodies.

Enhancing Vulnerability Management with Threat Intelligence

The shift towards a proactive cybersecurity mindset has been steadily gaining momentum. Industry experts have emphasized the importance of best practices for implementation and the role of security orchestration. By integrating modern threat intelligence solutions into vulnerability management platforms, forward-thinking enterprises can become more proactive in their fight against cyber threats.

On The Hunt for Hunters Ransomware: Origins, Victimology and TTPs

Amid the disruption of the Hive ransomware group by law enforcement agencies, Hunters International emerged onto the cyber scene in Q3 of 2023, displaying notable technical similarities with Hive, hinting at an evolutionary progression or branch-off from the dismantled group. This transition underscores the adaptive nature of cybercriminal networks, persisting in their illicit activities despite law enforcement actions.

FOG Ransomware Targets Higher Education

In Q2 2024, the Kroll Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Team observed an increase in activity around a new ransomware group named FOG. FOG was initially observed in May 2024, and since then has been heavily targeting higher educational institutions in the U.S. by exploiting compromised VPN credentials. Kroll's review of a recent FOG binary (1.exe) found no exfiltration or persistence mechanisms directly integrated.

NIST's first post-quantum standards

On August 13th, 2024, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published the first three cryptographic standards designed to resist an attack from quantum computers: ML-KEM, ML-DSA, and SLH-DSA. This announcement marks a significant milestone for ensuring that today’s communications remain secure in a future world where large-scale quantum computers are a reality.

This New Wi-Fi Attack Can Intercept Data Traffic

The growing complexity of networks and connected devices makes implementing effective cybersecurity an increasingly complicated task. While businesses have shown more awareness of the need to elevate their security posture in recent years, several fundamental cyber hygiene issues still need to be addressed.