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Why bots are a growing problem for airline ticket sales

In the wake of the pandemic, airlines are fighting back against challenges from all directions this year. Many have banded together to protest government orders around banned routes, Covid testing and post-travel quarantine periods. International holiday-going in 2021 has become an unappealing prospect for many, due to the added expense and inconvenience imposed by Covid restrictions.

Bring Xray Out of the Box with Dependency and Binary Scanning

Shifting left security means you, the developer, catching and fixing vulnerabilities and license violations early in the SDLC. That’s why Xray scans binaries pushed to Artifactory by your builds, and alerts you when there are issues with your dependencies. But catching them earlier, even before checking in code, can be important for developers shifting left.

Dip a toe into the importance of AML and compliance for Crypto exchanges

“Never let a crisis go to waste.” It’s an expression that we’ve all heard a lot over the course of the last year. It is a reminder by Winston Churchill that in bad times that big problems often beget opportunities to do things differently — and better — next time around. No other industry as much as crypto has lived up to this quote.

Defending against ransomware - The basics

Given the spate of recent ransomware attacks, the latest of which occurred shortly before Independence Day, this topic is likely at the top of mind for most organizations. Understanding the fundamentals of security, and the most common ways ransomware gets installed, is a must if a company hopes to truly lay the groundwork required to build and operationalize their security program.

Prepare your Kubernetes cluster for Pod Security Policy deprecation

The Kubernetes community created a feature in v1.10 called Pod Security Policy (PSP) to control the security-related fields for pods defined in your Kubernetes cluster. Now that PSP is being deprecated in Kubernetes v1.21, what should you do to secure your Kubernetes cluster? In this blog, we’ll learn a bit about PSP, explore why it’s being deprecated and how Open Policy Agent (OPA) can ease the migration from PSP.

Snyk Code adds security scanning for C# and .NET

As a quick note, I have a personal history with .NET, including time working at Microsoft as a .NET evangelist. And I’ve briefly met Anders Jejlsberg, the designer of C# and Typescript, so this blog is a bit personal for me. We are happy to announce that Snyk Code scans for security vulnerabilities and provides remediation suggestions for yet another language: C#. This adds a major language to our portfolio which includes support for Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python.

How to Bridge the Cybersecurity Skills Gap

Application security remains a top concern for organizations, making the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals as urgent as ever. Nearly half of security practitioners in high-performing enterprises who participated in a recent Ponemon Institute research report about reducing enterprise security risks stated that hacks to insecure applications are their organization’s biggest concern.

Netskope Threat Coverage: 2020 Tokyo Olympics Wiper Malware

Major sporting events, like the World Cup or the Olympics, are usually targets of cybercriminals that take advantage of the event’s popularity. During the 2018 World Cup, for example, an infected document disguised as a “game prediction” delivered malware that stole sensitive data from its victims, including keystrokes and screenshots.