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Product Update: Detectify fuzzing engine will cover public-facing APIs

Detectify is expanding its web app fuzzing engine to scan public-facing APIs for vulnerabilities. Earlier in the year, we released a new fuzzing engine, and it was developed with API scanning in mind. In Fall 2021, we will roll out open beta testing. You can register for Detectify API fuzzer updates and beta testing program.

UPDATE 7: The Data Privacy Periodic Table

Since our last update in January, there has been an unprecedented amount of activity in the data privacy world. And yes, we probably do say that every time! New laws have passed in Virginia and Colorado. The UK’s post-Brexit EU adequacy was confirmed. Plus of course, the EU’s significant changes to Standard Contractual Clauses and the reawakening of the debates over Identity Verification, especially in the context of social media.

Cloud antivirus - How essential is it for your business?

Cloud-based solutions are the holy grail for the modern day business. The convenience of being able to access enterprise data and tools any time, any place, and from any device has been a key ingredient for business success - particularly if you’re in the middle of a global pandemic. But, there are plenty of unspoken risks that come with the use of an always-connected workforce.

Tech needs women: an interview with the women leading Fastmail

As we discovered in our Women in Tech panel earlier this year, it’s important to show women succeeding in male-dominated industries, like technology/security, and to talk about how men can help create space for others in the workplace. We’ve previously highlighted our women-led Security team and now want to continue sharing stories about women in leadership by introducing you to two leaders that are helping create space for women and non-binary people in the tech industry.

Spectra Alliance Helps Enable Zero Trust

Zero Trust is not something you purchase. Zero Trust is a security strategy you build out using the working assumption that there are no safe network zones, no perimeters, no safe users, and no safe devices. The Spectra Alliance helps enable a Zero Trust model across the scope of six elements including applications, data, networks, infrastructure, identities, and devices.

White House Memo Takes on Securing Critical Infrastructure Control Systems

Attacks targeting critical infrastructure have been on the rise in recent years. Back in 2019, for instance, 56% of utility professionals responsible for overseeing risk in their organizations’ operational technology (OT) assets told Siemens and the Ponemon Institute that they experience at least one shutdown or operational data loss event a year.

Limitless XDR defined: Ingest, retain, and analyze security data freely

Elastic Security's newest features define the potential of XDR for cybersecurity teams. Our single platform brings together SIEM and endpoint security, allowing users to ingest and retain large volumes of data from diverse sources, store and search data for longer, and augment threat hunting with detections and machine learning. Security vendors are using the term “XDR” with increasing frequency, applying varied definitions to suit their respective technologies.