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Devo's 2022 Cybersecurity Predictions: Part Three

In part two of our 2022 cybersecurity predictions series, Devo Security Engineering Director Sebastien Tricaud explained Web3 and new security testing trends. While cybersecurity tools and approaches are certainly evolving quickly, so are cybercriminals. Here are my insights on cyberthreats and attacks we should expect to see more of this year.

How to Check If your JavaScript Security is Working

Few programming languages generate the same love-hate relationship as JavaScript. For many websites, JavaScript (JS) is a critical coding component that drives client-side programming. Yet JS is also extremely vulnerable to attack since it is easy for hackers to input query strings into website code to access, steal, or contaminate data. Knowing whether your JavaScript is secure is crucial to maintaining a safe user experience for your clients and customers.

LimaCharlie & Velociraptor Enable the Automation of Deep Forensic Capability

Digital forensics is about answering questions and building timelines. Who did what and when. When something malicious takes place on a computer there is evidence that can be collected and used to reconstruct what exactly happened. Depending on the type of events that need to be reconstructed, the evidence required may be difficult to retrieve. In order to make the lives of DFIR professionals easier, LimaCharlie has integrated the Velociraptor open source endpoint visibility tool.

Nuvias UC Fuels Its Growth In Europe Through Alliance Technologies GmbH Acquisition

As part of its exciting and fast-paced growth, driven by increased demand from its customer base to provide best of breed solutions across Europe, Nuvias UC announces the acquisition of Alliance Technologies GmbH, a UC specialised, value added distributor founded in 2001.

Multi-Factor is incomplete without backup codes

I was logging into one of my favorite online shopping sites the other day, and, as with all my other sites, I was presented with the multi-factor authentication prompt to complete the login process. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have been a long-time supporter of multi-factor, or 2-step verification of any kind.