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Securing CAD files along the supply chain with HaloCAD

Nowadays, the digital supply chain is both essential and vulnerable. According to Pinsent Masons annual cyber report, supply chain breaches were the most common form of cyber incident in 2023 occuring in one third of cases (up from 5% in 2022). Meanwhile, Gartner predicts that almost half (45%) of global organizations will suffer a digital supply chain attack by 2025. Nowadays, the digital supply chain is both essential and vulnerable.

Vital Signs of Software Dependencies: Understanding Package Health

As the vast majority of modern applications rely heavily on open-source software, dealing with updates for dependencies can become a major hassle for both developers and cybersecurity professionals. Every developer knows the pain of an update breaking their application. Manually determining which dependencies to run can become a massive time-suck, which is why many developers fall behind on updates, leaving applications open to vulnerabilities.

It's 2024 and the API Breaches Keep Coming

APIs are built expressly to share a company’s most valuable data and services. This makes them a lucrative target for bad actors. We’ve already hit the tipping point — APIs are now THE way in. Salt Security’s 2024 State of API Security Report revealed that the count of APIs is increasing, having gone up by 167% in the past year. 95% of respondents have experienced security problems in production APIs, with 23% having experienced a breach.

Five Challenges of National Information Assurance and How to Overcome Them

The National Information Assurance (NIA) Policy is a framework for offering organizations a foundation for information security management. It was designed and developed to aid organizations with the necessary steps to ensure information security, from assessing and classifying risk to choosing and implementing controls for mitigation.

Data Security Best Practices: 7 Tips to Crush Bad Actors

In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ensure your data is protected. With users accessing networks from multiple locations, data passing through unpredictable endpoints, and a rampant increase in cybercrime, establishing and maintaining data security best practices has never been more important. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, there were 2,365 cyber attacks in 2023, a 72% increase over 2021.

DFIR Bluesky Ransomware: Strategies for Incident Response and Threat Containment

When Bluesky ransomware first appeared, it caused a lot of trouble for businesses of all kinds. This sophisticated and dangerous threat actor has shown that they are determined to stop activities and get money by any means necessary. To mitigate the Bluesky danger, businesses need to take a thorough and proactive approach to handling incidents and keeping threats inside their borders.

How to Conduct a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for In-Depth Insights

‍A cybersecurity risk assessment, or cyber risk assessment, is a standardized process that organizations have established along with their implementation of cloud-based technologies to discover the accompanying vulnerabilities and threats. These assessments leverage the available, relevant data to identify the likelihood of various cybersecurity events occurring along with the potential impact should they come to fruition.

When SASE Meets DEM: Revolutionizing the User Experience

In today’s fast-evolving business world, IT Teams must ensure seamless user experiences to stay competitive. As networks grow more complex, IT faces increasing challenges in identifying and resolving performance issues that impact user productivity and satisfaction. Cato Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) addresses these challenges, helping IT ensure optimal user experiences.

Introducing Policy SBOM: A Software Bill of Materials for your Authorization Policies

We’re excited to announce the Policy SBOM feature is now generally available to all Styra DAS customers, giving enterprises transparency and traceability into deployed authorization policies. Just like a software bill of materials (SBOM) is an inventory of the components and dependencies in a software application, a Policy SBOM is an inventory of the policy modules, including their sources, versions, and dependencies, within an Open Policy Agent (OPA) policy bundle.

Vanta accelerates ANZ momentum with localised frameworks, regional support, and a new Australian data centre

Managing compliance across various frameworks and standards can be challenging and confusing. Organisations must earn and maintain compliance with local and international standards and industry-specific regulations, all while keeping up with ever-evolving security and privacy best practices. This is particularly true for startups and scaleups in the ANZ region looking to accelerate growth, expand into international markets, and sell to new and larger customers with higher expectations. ‍