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Just Because You Don't Use Log4j or Spring Beans Doesn't Mean Your Application is Unaffected

By now, you’re probably all aware of the recent Log4j and Spring Framework vulnerabilities. As a recap, the Log4j vulnerability – made public on December 10, 2021 – was the result of an exploitable logging feature that, if successfully exploited, could allow attackers to perform an RCE (Remote Code Execution) and compromise the affected server.

CIS Control 16 Application Software Security

The way in which we interact with applications has changed dramatically over years. Enterprises use applications in day-to-day operations to manage their most sensitive data and control access to system resources. Instead of traversing a labyrinth of networks and systems, attackers today see an opening to turn an organizations applications against it to bypass network security controls and compromise sensitive data.

The Upsurge in Ransomware Attacks in Australia and Opportunities to Protect Data

There are rare occasions when you open the news and don't find anything about cybersecurity in the headlines. According to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), Australia has dealt with a cyberattack every 8 minutes in the financial year 2020-21, with over 67,500 cases of cybercrime registered in the same year. Studies indicate that ransomware is one of the most frequent and damaging types of malware leveraged by cybercriminals.

Kubernetes Version 1.24: Everything You Should Know

The first Kubernetes release of 2022 will be released on May 3rd. The new release, version 1.24, is full of enhancements, new features, and bug fixes. We’ve written this post so you can adjust your Kubernetes resources, update infrastructure, and smoothly migrate to the new version. We’ve also grouped the changes with their respective Special Interest Groups (SIGs), so that you can focus on the interrelated topics at once.

A CISO's Guide for Measuring your Security

Measuring risk is key to business continuity. A growing attack surface will present many businesses with challenges of how to manage their enterprise assets and maintain a robust cyber security posture. An expanding remote workforce, increasing levels of data and the continuous rollout of evolutionary solutions can all present hackers with potential entry points to exploit if security measures are not in place.

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The Importance of Penetration Testing for Your Business

Did you know that a third of all businesses will experience a cyber-attack this year? And that's just the ones that are reported! The fact is, if you're not doing penetration testing on your business, you're at risk. In this blog post, we'll break down what penetration testing is and why it's so important for businesses. We'll also discuss the risks of not having security testing done, and how it can impact your bottom line.

Stories from the SOC - Lateral movement using default accounts

The Windows ‘Administrator’ account is a highly privileged account that is created during a Windows installation by default. If this account is not properly secured, attackers may leverage it to conduct privilege escalation and lateral movement. When this account is used for administrative purposes, it can be difficult to distinguish between legitimate and malicious activity.

Adjusting to New Cybersecurity Regulations in 2022

Cybersecurity is a leading concern for businesses in 2022. As organizations have embraced rapid digitization, cybercrime rose alongside it, quickly illuminating how many security standards fall short. It also became evident how cybersecurity regulations need to expand to address today’s challenges. Here’s a closer look at how this regulatory landscape is shifting, why, and what businesses can do in response.