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CVE Severity: Approaches for When & How To Manage Builds

In a-near perfect world, you would instantly fix your application every time a relevant CVE was issued. (In a truly perfect world, of course, there would be no security incidents, and hence no CVEs in the first place.) But in the real world, reacting to CVEs requires a careful calculation. You need to assess whether each CVE is serious enough to warrant the rejection of a build and a delay of a release.

Are your visuals making businesses more vulnerable to cybercrime?

In the world of modern business, companies must put extra effort into creating engaging visual content to stand out from the crowd. Social media marketing, for instance, was once deemed an easy way for companies to reach additional eyes but today, marketing is a lot more competitive than simply creating a post and hoping it goes viral.

Making the Shift From Vendor Risk Management to Third-Party Risk Management (and Leaving Your Questionnaires Behind!)

There’s an old expression that says the most dangerous statement a person can make is “we’ve always done it this way.” I think we can all agree that we need to grow and adapt as the world around us changes. That’s why over the past few months, we’ve shown you ways to switch to a risk-first approach and align your risk and compliance activities to your business objectives.

Phishing: How it Works and How to Prevent it

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people, so that they give up confidential information or perform an action you ask them to do. Read and learn first hand how modern phishing works to trick victims into giving up their credentials, bank information or computer access to secretly install malicious software. Adversaries use social engineering tactics because it is often easier and quicker to exploit human nature than to hack their way in.

When User Identity Loses Its Meaning, Hackers Win

When it comes to cybersecurity, businesses typically want to assume that every user is a special snowflake. The premise that each user has a unique identity, and that cybersecurity teams can manage access permissions and identify anomalous activity based on that identity, is a cornerstone of modern security operations.

The State of Security: Malware in 2022

Among the many challenges businesses contend with in the global marketplace today, the 11th Allianz Risk Barometer 2022 ranks cybersecurity threats as the most important business risk. This proves beyond any doubt that enterprises are experiencing increasing threats and full-on attacks to their information technology systems.

Usability, the key to cybersecurity in small and medium-sized businesses

In the case of small businesses, it is well known that employees are even more important as the first line of defense in cybersecurity, as small businesses often do not have the specialized personnel or the resources of large organizations to invest in training them. The available data confirms this: in the United Kingdom alone, 38% of SMEs suffered a cyberattack in 2021, according to a report by the UK Government.

Weekly Cyber Security News 15/07/2022

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Last week I mentioned fake job interviews right? Well, here is an example albeit from the reverse angle. Was a very effective attack though. The usual lesson applies – watch what files you open.