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What is PHI? (Protected Health Information)

Protected Health Information (PHI) is a critical aspect of healthcare, encompassing any data that can identify an individual and is used in the context of medical care. Examples of PHI include personal identifiers (name, address, Social Security number), medical records, health insurance information, and even communications containing health details.

What is Smishing in Cybersecurity and How to Prevent it?

Cybercriminals are getting smarter and using new methods like smishing to take advantage of s. In the world of protection, what is smishing? Smishing is a type of scam that happens through SMS (short message service). Attackers use this method to get people to give up private information or click on harmful links. This dishonest method takes advantage of the speed and trust that people have in text messages by pretending to be a trusted organization, like a bank or the government.

Cybersecurity Compliance: Essential for Protecting Your Business Data

Cybersecurity compliance is more than just the law; it's also a keyway to protect your business. Businesses are under more and more pressure to put data security first as sophisticated cyber threats and strict laws become more common. Following laws, standards, and best practices for cybersecurity compliance is important to keep private data safe from breaches and unauthorized access. If you don't follow the rules, you could face big fines, damage to your image, and problems with your business.

The @Solana/web3.js Incident: Another Wake-Up Call for Supply Chain Security

On December 2, 2024, the Solana community faced a significant security incident involving the @solana/web3.js npm package, a critical library for developers building on the Solana blockchain with over 450K weekly downloads. This blog post aims to break down the attack flow, explore how it happened, and discuss the importance of supply chain security.

Autodiscover Confluent Cloud connectors and easily monitor performance in Data Streams Monitoring

Confluent Cloud is a Kafka–as-a-service solution that simplifies the deployment, scaling, and operation of Kafka clusters. A popular feature is its Apache Kafka connectors, which make it easy to connect your Kafka clusters to any of 120+ third-party streaming data sources and destinations.

What is Session Hijacking and 8 Ways to Prevent It

What if there were a way to negate the effectiveness of multi-factor authentication (or even bypass secure login protocols) without ever cracking a password? Session hijacking offers attackers a tempting shortcut to user accounts, bypassing the usual security barriers. In 2022 alone, researchers scouring the shadier corners of the internet (like the dark web) found 22 billion device and session cookie records – each of which could help to enable session hijacking.

User Activity Monitoring: Unlocking Productivity for Remote and On-site Workforces

Whether managing a distributed workforce, balancing a range of devices and systems, or navigating the complexities of hybrid work, challenges are everywhere: fragmented workflows, operational inefficiencies, and concerns about insider risks. Solving these issues can feel like an uphill battle without clear visibility into digital workforce behavior.