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How to Choose the Right ASVS Level for Your Organization

The Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) developed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) provides a robust framework for conducting penetration testing (pentesting) and security audits of web applications and infrastructure. In the evolving landscape of network security, with risks emerging in sophistication and frequency, maintaining a baseline level of compliant security procedures is highly recommended.

Securing the Chain: A Comprehensive Guide to Blockchain Security Audits

In the realm of digital business, blockchain security audits are essential for implementing the best security practices and ensuring robust system security. It secures all complex online systems and networks, thereby enhancing their performance and ensuring compliance with modern standards. According to SlowMist's blockchain hacking incident archive, there were 464 security incidents in 2023, resulting in losses of up to $2.486 billion.
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Why adopting a Zero Trust approach is not as straightforward as it might appear

The world has changed. With the move to hybrid working, the rapid adoption of cloud, increased use of mobile and IoT devices, and more, the attack surface of every organization has expanded and businesses are finding it harder than ever to protect their networks and digital assets. This will, no doubt, be the central theme for this year's Cybersec Europe, taking place on May 29th and 30th in Brussels. The event aims to arm visitors with the know-how and solutions to make their businesses cyber resilient and secure their digital assets. But it is not just about securing assets. Traditional boundaries have blurred between businesses, suppliers, customers, workers, and home-life.

Responsible AI Licenses (RAIL): Here's What You Need to Know

Responsible AI Licenses (RAIL) are a class of licenses created with the intention of preventing harmful or unethical uses of artificial intelligence while also allowing for the free and open sharing of models between those who intend to use and improve them for authorized purposes. Anyone can make their own version of RAIL for their model, and in doing so can create more or less restrictions than those detailed in the template licenses.

Email Security Must Remain a Priority in the Wake of the LabHost Takedown and BEC Operator's Conviction

Two positive steps were taken last month to limit the damage caused by phishing and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks when a joint action by UK and EU law enforcement agencies compromised the infrastructure of the phishing-as-a-service operation LabHost and a major BEC operator was convicted in US Federal Court. While law enforcement operations are integral to defeating cybercrime, disrupting one or two adversary groups does not minimize the threat.

AI's Role in Securing AEC Data: Paving the Path Forward

In the oft-obscure world of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC), the structures we see reaching for the skyline are not just feats of design and engineering but archives of data, each rivet and beam a data point in a colossal network of information. Yet, with these digital monoliths comes an invisible vulnerability – data control, a challenge that’s upending the AEC industry.

Comparing OPA/Rego to AWS Cedar and Google Zanzibar

Rego, the policy language of the Open Policy Agent (OPA), is known for its flexibility and power in policy enforcement across various systems. Its declarative syntax and data-centric approach make it versatile for application authorization, infrastructure as code (IaC) authorization, and network policies. To fully appreciate OPA/Rego’s capabilities, it’s helpful to compare it with other policy languages and frameworks like AWS’s Cedar and Google’s Zanzibar.

DFPM and DSPM: Two Steps Towards Modernizing Data Security

Data security is evolving. This evolution is making the need to understand what is going on with your data more critical. Teams need to be able to answer questions like, where is data being stored? Which vendor or team is using it? When is sensitive data being used? Where is data being sent?