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5 Strategies for Setting the Right Cybersecurity KPIs

Cybersecurity key performance indicators (KPIs) measure the efficacy of an organization’s cybersecurity program. In a rapidly changing threat landscape characterized by new identities, environments and attack methods, many potential KPIs exist to track. Measuring too many things can be distracting or misleading, while not measuring enough can create gaps in understanding and protection.

WatchGuard Endpoint Release Process

Recent news of a global IT disruption caused by a security vendor’s content update has driven important conversations about quality assurance processes for endpoint products and content updates. At WatchGuard, with more than 30 years of experience in this industry, we know well the sensitivity of the update process and wanted to take this opportunity to highlight the processes we have in place to protect our valued partner community and customers from the impacts of a flawed update rollout.

How To Check Your iPhone for Viruses

You can check your iPhone for viruses by checking for unfamiliar apps, seeing if your data usage has spiked, seeing an unusual number of pop-up ads and noticing if specific apps are draining your battery. A virus is a type of malicious software that can infect any device, like your iPhone, and then replicate itself on your device’s programs or files.

Is It Safe to Password-Protect a PDF File?

No, it’s not safe to password-protect PDF files because your files are not guaranteed to be protected from cybercriminals intercepting and gaining unauthorized access to your information. Often, people password-protect a PDF file to protect sensitive information and set permissions on how the PDF file can be used. If you password-protect a PDF file, you can choose whether you want a recipient of the file to view or edit the file.

My Apple ID Was Hacked. What Should I Do?

If your Apple ID was hacked, some immediate steps you can take include resetting your password and setting up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). You should also consider placing a fraud alert on your credit report. A fraud alert is helpful because it requires lenders and creditors to go through additional steps to ensure your identity in case whoever hacked your Apple ID was planning on opening credit in your name.

Trustwave Named as a Representative Vendor in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Digital Forensics and Incident Response Retainer Services

For the second week in a row, Trustwave proudly announces recognition from the industry analyst firm Gartner. Today, Trustwave is proud to reveal that Gartner has named us as a Representative Vendor in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Retainer Services. This news follows Trustwave's announcement last week stating we were named a Representative Vendor in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response.

Making WAF ML models go brrr: saving decades of processing time

We made our WAF Machine Learning models 5.5x faster, reducing execution time by approximately 82%, from 1519 to 275 microseconds! Read on to find out how we achieved this remarkable improvement. WAF Attack Score is Cloudflare's machine learning (ML)-powered layer built on top of our Web Application Firewall (WAF). Its goal is to complement the WAF and detect attack bypasses that we haven't encountered before.

Double Dipping Cheat Developer Gets Caught Red-Handed

Following our post “A Brief History of Game Cheating,” it’s safe to say that cheats, no matter how lucrative or premium they might look, always carry a degree of danger. Today’s story revolves around the developer of the popular EvolvedAim, a cheat for Escape From Tarkov. He sold his tool with an information stealer bundled with it, double-dipping and causing damage to his clients and to the game itself.