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Enterprise IAM: Key Features, Benefits and Challenges

Enterprise identity and access management (IAM) is the discipline of managing digital identities and their access to data, applications, systems and other resources. It addresses two fundamental questions: In other words, IAM helps organizations ensure that exactly the right accounts exist and that each user can access exactly the right resources based on their job functions. This article explores the benefits of enterprise IAM, the challenges involved and the key features to look for in an IAM solution.

How to Implement Cyber Security Monitoring in 2024

Cyber security monitoring refers to the continuous observation and analysis of an organisation's network and information systems to detect and respond to security threats. It plays a vital role in protecting sensitive data and preventing data breaches, making it an essential practice in 2024. In today's digital landscape, the frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks have dramatically increased.

Indusface - Product Release & Rollout SOP

Business continuity is at the forefront of most systems and process design at Indusface. In a recent blog, we discussed how Indusface follows design-for-failure principles a powerful approach that enables us to deploy faster. In this blog, I will talk about the processes we have to ensure that our code and rule deployments do not cause widespread downtime to our protected assets.

Asset Misappropriation: How To Protect Your Organization

Keeping money and ideas safe from outsiders is relatively easy. But what happens when you have to keep them safe from insiders? Asset misappropriation is a type of fraud that employees commit in their organizations, usually taking advantage of their position. This makes it not only harder to prevent but also difficult to identify if you don’t have the right systems in place.

You don't have to do it all: Elevate your operations with managed services on 11:11 Cloud

To accommodate the open-fire-hydrant-like stream of data creation across today’s modern IT landscape, our systems have, naturally, been forced to grow in complexity. While a source of great innovation, this increasingly complex reality has also left many IT teams feeling overworked and overwhelmed, and their businesses vulnerable to evolving threats, malicious or otherwise. But amidst all the chaos and complexity, there is good news: You don’t have to do it all.

FAQ: How Are STIGs, SRGs, SCAP, and CCIs Related?

In the world of government-adjacent security and compliance, there are many different terms and acronyms you’ll encounter for the processes you have to perform. Often, these terms are interrelated in a single process, so you tend to learn them in clusters. One such cluster includes STIGs, SRGs, SCAP, and CCIs. What are these, what do they mean, and what do you need to do to utilize them properly? Let’s answer the most commonly asked questions.

The Top SIEM Technical Interview Questions

If you are evaluating a new role that requires proficient knowledge of SIEM, this comprehensive guide offers an extensive list of frequently asked interview questions. Each question is paired with detailed, well-explained answers to ensure you fully understand the concepts and can confidently showcase your expertise.