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3 Permanent Security Risks in a Post-Pandemic World

With the administration of COVID-19 vaccines beginning around the world, many of us have begun to look to a future where the pandemic does not totally dominate our lives. Naturally, the way we socialize and work will have shifted. Remote work, for instance, has shown to be more productive and preferable for many businesses. In the cybersecurity space, we’re also beginning to realize which threats are opportunistic and temporary – and which ones are here to stay.

Why Employee Privacy Matters More Than Ever

For organizations and their employees, 2020 was a uniquely transformative and challenging year. Although this reality is expressed in many ways—including a global pandemic, a deep economic recession, perpetual social unrest and a litany of natural disasters—in the professional environment, it is most acutely observed in the rapid and wide-spread transition to remote work.

What is a vulnerability management program and should your business have one?

The rapid rate of change in attack methods and techniques in today’s cybersecurity landscape has made the keeping of an environment secure increasingly more difficult, causing many to fall into a dangerous state of simply reacting to current threats.


In the aftermath of the notorious SolarWinds breach, occurring in mid-December 2020, a nefarious website was observed on 12 January 2021 and, presumably linked to the threat actors involved in the original supply chain attacks, purports to offer stolen data from four victim companies for sale: Other than the above, no file listings, screenshots or detailed 'proof' have been provided although links to four encrypted archive files, one for each potential victim organization, were uploaded to the popular

Sysdig 2021 container security and usage report: Shifting left is not enough

The fourth annual Sysdig container security and usage report looks at how global Sysdig customers of all sizes and industries are using and securing container environments. By examining how and when organizations are implementing security in the development lifecycle, we have been able to uncover some interesting data points in this year’s report. For example, we can see that 74% of organizations are scanning container images in the build process.

The Case for Targeted Remote Browser Isolation with Next Gen SWG

Remote browser isolation (RBI) has many use cases, but has found a popular use case with secure web gateways (SWG). While SWGs can block known bad websites and allow known good ones, the gray area of uncategorized and security risk websites is a challenge for most SWG deployments. If you allow them, your inline defenses and endpoints are exposed and may miss evasive malware, macros, malicious scripts, and phishing attacks.

ECMWF - How Third Parties Securely Access Supercomputing Clusters

To the average person, weather forecasts inform whether or not they need to bring an umbrella to the office. But to some, it can be quite literally a matter of life and death. Organizations like the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) sit at the center of a web of highly sensitive operations, providing them weather predictions and reports.

Network, Endpoint, and Cloud DLP: A Quick Guide

At the beginning of 2019, 60% of companies responding to the Insider Threat Report survey reported that they were planning to implement a data loss prevention (DLP) solution. For a few years, organizations have been aware that they need to add data loss prevention (DLP) tools and software to their technology stack in order to safeguard sensitive information collected and stored` However, there’s a common misconception that DLP is just one “thing”.

Assessing design quality for better software due diligence

Design quality audits are sometimes overlooked in software due diligence, but they are vital to understanding the overall health of a company’s software system. When software is part of an M&A transaction, performing technical due diligence is a critical part of the process. There’s a lot to cover when it comes to software due diligence, and you can learn more by reading our take on the specific areas of the process, but today we’d like to discuss software quality.