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CISO Insider S1E6 - CISO Insider Season 1 recap

At Nightfall, we believe in the power of learning from those who have done it before. That’s why we created CISO Insider — a podcast interview series that features CISOs and security executives with a broad set of backgrounds, from hyper-growth startups to established enterprises. Through these interviews, we’ll learn how industry experts overcame obstacles, navigated their infosec careers, and created an impact in their organizations.

Top 5 SIEM trends of 2021 and how Elastic Security solves them

Security information and event management (SIEM) systems are centralized logging platforms that enable security teams to analyze event data in real time for early detection of targeted cyber attacks and data breaches. A SIEM is used as a tool to collect, store, investigate, and report on log data for threat detection, incident response, forensics, and regulatory compliance.

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5 Tips for Building a Culture of Security Among Remote Employees

In one of our previous posts, we highlighted the importance that making security a part of your organizational culture played in keeping your remote workforce secure during the COVID-19 pandemic. But what does that entail? In this post, we're going to flesh out key steps that security teams and their leadership should take in order to make a strong culture of security a reality within their organizations.

Cyberattack on Florida's water treatment plant: What it means to global organizations

The recent news of a cyberattack on a water treatment plant carried out by a remote perpetrator came as a shock to organizations around the world. Earlier this month, an unauthorized threat actor had remotely accessed the plant’s control systems via TeamViewer and used it to increase the amount of sodium hydroxide (lye) in water to dangerously higher levels.

What is an incident response plan? Reviewing common IR templates, methodologies

In today’s threat landscape, it’s no longer if an incident will happen, it’s when. Defending your organization and having a plan for what to do if an incident occurs is more critical than ever. And frankly, the benefits of having an incident response plan are quantifiable. Ponemon’s Cost of a Data Breach Report compared organizations boasting robust security Incident Response (IR) capabilities with those that do not.

Calligo acquires US-based Decisive Data to accelerate Data Insights Services

Today, Calligo announces the acquisition of Decisive Data, a pioneer in data analytics, data science and visualization. This is a significant acquisition for Calligo as it not only increases the resources and capabilities of our Data Insights team, but it also creates the most capable, accessible and compliant data insights service for modern businesses.

Extensibility and the Snyk API: our vision, commitment, and progress

At Snyk, we strongly believe in empowering developers to take ownership of security. Developers are the builders of today and ultimately hold the keys to successfully securing their code. Only a developer-first approach, one that combines developer-friendly tooling together with guidance by security, can help organizations traverse the path to better-secured applications.