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Role of security in SaaS | SaaS Security Checklist

Software as a Service, also known as SaaS, is a cloud-based service model where a subscriber uses the software via an internet browser. This software could be anything from a simple application such as MS Word to complex business applications such as SAP. All the software tech stack or backend components are located on external servers maintained by the SaaS provider. Before diving into security in SaaS applications, let’s go through basics.

7 data leak prevention tips for 2021

A news feed isn't complete if it isn't peppered with data breach news. Every day prestigious businesses are falling victim to a pernicious threat expected to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. The key to overturning the formidable upward data breach trend is to prevent the events that could potentially develop into data breaches. All data leaks need to be identified and remediated before they are discovered by cybercriminals.

IIS vs Apache: Which is the Best Web Server?

If you host a website, chances are good that you are running either Apache or Internet Information Services (IIS). Depending on the data source, they are two of the most common web server platforms, comprising a virtual triumvirate with Nginx for control of the market. They each also have their passionate supporters and haters. In fact, IIS vs. Apache flame wars are many times really spillover or proxy tirades of ‘Microsoft vs. Linux’.

Cybersecurity Challenges for the European Railways

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) released in November 2020 its “Cybersecurity in Railways” report to raise awareness about the cybersecurity challenges facing Europe’s railways. The report identifies the current cybersecurity status and challenges as well as proposes cybersecurity measures to combat these challenges and enhance the sector’s security posture.

How Joining a Professional Community Can Supercharge Your Career and More

When I was a software developer, I never joined any dev communities. I didn’t see the point. I also worked evenings as a professional musician and mostly spent time within the music community and sports groups I was a part of. I spent time with my dev friends at work; I didn’t understand why I would want to know devs with whom I didn’t work. I was a senior dev.

Business Continuity: How to Plan for the Worst

If the last year has taught us anything, “hope for the best and plan for the worst” should be the new mantra of business owners and IT professionals. No one could have predicted the global pandemic that wreaked havoc on industries and businesses around the world; yet, those companies with a business continuity plan were far better off than those without one.

Cyber Risk in the Boardroom - Addressing the 2021 Threat Landscape

A new year typically brings a renewed sense of optimism; however, 2021 brings with it promises of unparalleled challenges for board members as their role in cyber risk oversight and increasing organizational resilience has never been more important. Over the course of 2020, as organizations shifted already overburdened staff to build capacity to support remote working, threat actors aggressively exploited weaknesses exposed in the transition.

Facade of Security

In the past few months, Cyberint has observed a series of suspicious PDF files mentioning different retail brands, scanned to an anti-virus repository. Seeing as the files were flagged as malicious by the repository, Cyberint’s working assumption is that the retailers were mentioned in order to lure their employees or customers into opening the files.

Common Criteria Certification: What Is It, and What Does It Mean for Tripwire Enterprise?

The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security performs evaluations on common IT products and releases a report called “Common Criteria Certification.” This process allows for organizations to review an evaluation without needing to set up and configure an IT product that they would like to test. Tripwire Enterprise v8.8.2.2 was recently evaluated and passed the certification.