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Snyk's new vulnerability cards - fix issues fast with a new look and feel

One of our missions at Snyk is a simple one: help developers fix things easily. We further our mission by releasing features and improvements as quickly as possible, but it’s also just as important that developers have an experience which helps them gain as much value from Snyk as possible. This includes being able to quickly understand what needs to be fixed, and making that task incredibly easy.

Detecting MITRE ATT&CK: Privilege escalation with Falco

The privilege escalation category inside MITRE ATT&CK covers quite a few techniques an adversary can use to escalate privileges inside a system. Familiarizing yourself with these techniques will help secure your infrastructure. MITRE ATT&CK is a comprehensive knowledge base that analyzes all of the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that advanced threat actors could possibly use in their attacks.

Red Team Assessments - The Fundamentals 1.1

We’re in an age where information is king, misinformation is rife and mass data breaches are commonplace in the mainstream media. Ensuring the security of your organisation’s data, infrastructure and people is paramount and choosing the right service to secure those things is just as important. At Pentest People, we are now delighted to offer our new Red Team Assessment service to our customers. But what is a Red Team Assessment and how does it differ from a Penetration Test?

Top Security Anti-Patterns in ASP.NET Core Applications

Microsoft's ASP.NET Core enables users to more easily configure and secure their applications, building on the lessons learned from the original ASP.NET. The framework encourages best practices to prevent SQL injection flaws and cross-site scripting (XSS) in Razor views by default, provides a robust authentication and authorization solution, a Data Protection API that offers simplicity of configuration, and sensible defaults for session management.

The Security Wisdom of the All-Knowing CISO

Have you ever noticed how closely your role as the CISO of your organisation resembles that of the Wizard from “The Wizard of Oz?” As the Wizard, you are expected to be all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful. Your role is to keep everyone safe from the evils of the world while frantically pulling levers, pressing buttons and turning dials behind the curtain.

Classifying Business Documents with Language Models

The Egnyte platform has been extended to support the classification of documents per business document type. It enables the Egnyte governance solution to assign documents to business document types, including invoices, contracts, NDAs, or financial statements. From a machine learning / AI perspective, it’s a natural language processing (NLP) problem—a classification task. The input is the raw text form of the document, and the output is the name of the class to which it belongs.

Remote Employees: How to Manage Insider Risks

In 2020, remote work became not just a trend but a must for many companies. Yet ensuring secure telecommuting turned out to be a challenge for cybersecurity teams: Remote employees tend to use insecure tools, work in unprotected environments, and mismanage sensitive data. All of this increases the risk of insider threats. In this article, we take a close look at the challenges remote employees bring and the risks they can pose to your organization.

From the SecOps Kitchen: Why Operators of Essentials Services Need to Prepare Now

Hey there, The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has recently published its NIS Investment report - a survey conducted on European organisations identified as Operator of Essentials Services (OES) and Digital Service Providers (DSP).

DevSecOps vs DevOps: What are the Differences?

The modern technology landscape is ever-changing, with an increasing focus on methodologies and practices. Recently we’re seeing a clash between two of the newer and most popular players: DevOps vs DevSecOps. With new methodologies come new mindsets, approaches, and a change in how organizations run. What’s key for you to know, however, is, are they different? If so, how are they different? And, perhaps most importantly, what does this mean for you and your development team?