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PHI Compliance: What It Is and How To Achieve It

For organizations that work in or partner with the healthcare industry, HIPAA compliance is of paramount importance. Keeping a patient’s medical records and personal information safe isn’t just a matter of avoiding penalties. It’s also key to building trust with patients and, ultimately, providing great patient care. Here’s what health organizations and their partners need to know about PHI and keeping it secure.

Netacea wins top security title at Global Business Tech Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that Netacea has won an award at the 2021 Global Business Tech Awards for our innovative Intent AnalyticsTM cybersecurity solution! After winning the UK Business Tech Award for Best Application of Tech – Security in 2020, we set our sights on the global awards this year. We are over the moon to have been recognized with the title of Best Application of Tech – Security, this time on the international stage!

Understanding Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodologies

Mobile Application Penetration Testing Methodology as a security testing measure, analyses security perimeters within a mobile environment. Derived from the traditional concept of application security methodology, its main focus lies on client-side security and it broadly puts the end-user in control. By conducting penetration testing, companies can gain insights into the source code’s vulnerabilities, bottlenecks, and attack vectors beforehand.

Scan for AWS CloudFormation misconfigurations with Snyk IaC

We’re excited to announce the launch support for AWS CloudFormation in Snyk Infrastructure as Code. In our recent Infrastructure as Code Security Insights report, we found that 36% of survey participants were using AWS CloudFormation (CF) as their primary infrastructure as code tool of choice. Using Snyk Infrastructure as Code, you can now scan your CF YAML or JSON templates against our comprehensive set of AWS security rules.

Privacy Laws Comparison: Russia vs. China vs. USA

The data privacy regimes in Russia, China, and the United States are very different from the regimes elsewhere. The financial lure of selling to, or processing data on, EU residents is strong, which has led other countries to adopt the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or something like it. Russia, China, and the United States are large enough for other forces to dominate, including the desire to have their citizens’ data stored locally, as we’ll see.

Introducing New Cloud Security Monitoring & Analytics Apps

Companies generate data at an exponential rate, and the task of analyzing data to produce relevant security insights can be overwhelming. With evolving market dynamics and threat landscapes, security teams have a greater need for integrated and scalable monitoring that provides real-time and meaningful insights into the state of organizational security posture.

Cloud Threats Memo: Illustrating Big Risks in the Shift to Remote Working

The exploitation of traditional remote access technologies is reaching new records. That, in a nutshell, is the main finding of Nuspire’s Threat Landscape Report Q1 2021. The report, sourced from 90 billion traffic logs during Q1 2021, looks at a range of events such as malware activity, botnet activity, exploitation activity, and remote access. The remote access section probably best illustrates the risks posed by the sudden shift to remote working.

Bridging the Network-Security Divide with SASE Thinking

The many business benefits made possible by digital transformation are undoubtedly making waves across industries. Data is the raw material that drives smarter decision-making, and as such, drives value for organizations, but things quickly get challenging when you start to consider how all that data will be used—and who has access to it, when.