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New VPN Credential Attack Goes to Great Lengths to Obtain Access

A new “so-phish-ticated” attack uses phone calls, social engineering, lookalike domains, and impersonated company VPN sites to gain initial access to a victim network. This is one of the most advanced initial access attacks I’ve seen. Security analysts at GuidePoint Security have published details on a new attack that tricks users into providing the attacker with credentialed access.

Cybercriminal Gang Targeting SMBs Using Business Email Compromise

Researchers at Todyl have published a report on a major cybercriminal group that’s conducting business email compromise (BEC) attacks against small and medium-sized businesses. Todyl describes three separate BEC attacks launched by this threat actor. In one case, the attackers compromised a Microsoft 365 account belonging to an individual working at a small non-profit.

Dark Web Monitoring Services: Protecting Your Business from Hidden Threats

There are many threats that businesses have to deal with, and some of them hide in the dark web. People who belong to this secret part of the internet are known for doing illegal things like selling stolen data, malware, and fake goods. Businesses need to put in place strong security measures to protect their private data and image. Dark web monitoring services are an important part of this process.

Governments Urge Stronger Security and Resilience for Undersea Cables

The U.S. government, along with global partners, is calling for immediate action to strengthen the security and resilience of undersea cable infrastructure. These cables, vital to the global economy and communications, transmit vast amounts of data, making them critical to the world’s digital infrastructure.

Cyber Awareness Challenge 2024: Building a Culture of Security

In this digital age, where technology is so important to our daily lives, it's more important than ever to keep our online presence safe. Cyber threats are getting smarter, so you need to be cautious and know what you're doing when it comes to cybersecurity. Because this is so important, the Cyber Awareness Challenge 2024 is being held to help people and businesses develop a mindset of security.

How to Increase Business Security with a Zero Trust Approach

Traditional cybersecurity protocols quickly become out of date as cyberattacks and criminals evolve. Organizations are constantly on the lookout for new measures to prevent these attacks and keep their business and client data secure. This is why the zero-trust security principle is rapidly being adopted by organizations everywhere to help them save millions in data breach costs, which hit an all-time high of $4.88 million in 2024.

More security visibility for 1Password Teams accounts with new reporting trial

It’s no secret that it’s hard to protect against what you can’t see. One of the biggest challenges facing security and IT experts is visibility into whether their team is following business security best practice – and this is especially true for small businesses.

3 Tips You'll Want to Know Before Purchasing Your Endpoint Security

Choosing the right solution to protect endpoints is more important than ever in an environment where corporate cybersecurity attacks are more pervasive, sophisticated, and evasive than ever. Over the past decade, endpoint security has evolved from specific products to multi-functional platforms that not only prevent attacks, but also offer response and recovery capabilities.

Don't Put Real Answers Into Your Password Reset Questions

This recent article on how a hacker used genealogy websites to help better guess victims' password reset answers made it a great time to share a suggestion: Don’t answer password reset questions with real answers! It’s not Jeopardy! You don’t have to answer the questions correctly. In fact, you’re putting yourself at increased risk if you do. Instead, give a false question to any required password reset answer.

Kubernetes Namespace Restriction and Separation

Teleport provides a secure and scalable solution for managing namespace separation in Kubernetes clusters, streamlining compliance, and enabling financial institutions to maintain both resiliency and agility. Kubernetes has rapidly evolved from a tech buzzword to an indispensable backbone of modern infrastructure in the financial services industry — redefining how institutions scale, secure, and deliver their most critical applications.