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Wanted: Reward of up to $10 million for critical infrastructure hackers

The U.S. government aims to tackle cybercrime, in particular attacks targeting critical infrastructure. For this purpose, the U.S. State Department has announced a reward of up to $10 million to anyone who offers valid information about any potential cyberattacks on critical infrastructure supported by foreign states.

The Next Big Challenge: Cloud Complexity

Cybersecurity remains an ever-growing concern in our digitized, post-pandemic world. While rapid digitization opens doors to ample benefits and business opportunities, companies also have to deal with an uptick in cybercrimes, as criminals and other threat actors raise their game, making cyber attacks more frequent and complex than ever before. Consequently, businesses have suffered serious losses resulting from ransomware attacks, data breaches, and theft of trade secrets.

It's Time to Get Hip to the SBOM

The DevOps, IT security and IT governance communities will remember 2021 as the year when the Software Bill of Materials , or SBOM, graduated from a “nice to have” to a “must have.” Around for years, the SBOM has now become a critical DevSecOps piece, which everyone must thoroughly understand and incorporate into their SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle).

Observability and Cyber Resiliency - What Do You Need To Know?

Observability is one of the biggest trends in technology today. The ability to know everything, understand your system, and analyze the performance of disparate components in tandem is something that has been embraced by enterprises and start-ups alike. What additional considerations need to be made when factoring in cyber resiliency? A weekly review of the headlines reveals a slew of news covering data breaches, insider threats, or ransomware.

What is Shadow IT? And How to Manage It

Everything connected to your network poses a security risk. Every application on every device poses a threat to that device which then increases your security risk profile. Ultimately, organizations need visibility into all users, applications, and devices on their networks. Whether arising from employees using personal devices or downloading applications to corporate devices, shadow IT is becoming a bigger problem for organizations.

An easy recipe for identity fraud - Post a dream job LinkedIn advert on behalf of almost any employer

This post is about LinkedIn – a go-to professional networking and jobs platform – a feature that allows outside individuals (not belonging to the target organisation) to post jobs on an organisation’s behalf. Whether you call it posting scam jobs on LinkedIn, phishing the LinkedIn users or any wider campaigns based on the drivers – it is a recipe for Identity fraud.

PRISM attacks fly under the radar

AT&T Alien Labs has recently discovered a cluster of Linux ELF executables that have low or zero anti-virus detections in VirusTotal, though our internal threat analysis systems have flagged them as malicious. Upon inspection of the samples, Alien Labs has identified them as modifications of the open-source PRISM backdoor used by multiple threat actors in various campaigns.

A Comprehensive Approach to DAST

In the modern DevOps framework, the security has shifted to the left and Application Security Testing (AST) techniques like DAST have become even more important. The latest Forrester reports indicate that application weaknesses and software vulnerabilities are the most common attack methods, and businesses fall victim to ransomware every 11 seconds. Further, modern-day businesses are consistently grappling with fast-paced development and industry disruptions.

Frontline privacy observations from deploying the EU's new SCCs

Our Data Privacy Services team collates the most interesting practical ramifications from implementing the new SCCs with our GDPR services customers. In our latest update of the Data Privacy Periodic Table , we included reference to the EU’s June 2021 release of substantially updated Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), triggered by 2020’s Schrems II ruling. The new, far more substantial SCCs have been largely welcomed.

Plugins to put Node.js application security and observability in your IDE

As developers, we spend a lot of time in our IDEs writing new code, refactoring code, adding tests, fixing bugs and more. And in recent years, IDEs have become powerful tools, helping us developers with anything from interacting with HTTP requests to generally boosting our productivity. So you have to ask — what if we could also prevent security issues in our code before we ship it?