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Focus on Data Governance This Cybersecurity Awareness Month

For 18 years, Cybersecurity Awareness Month has raised technology users’ awareness about the critical importance of cybersecurity and provided them with helpful resources to interact safely online. This year’s observance of Cybersecurity Awareness Month could not be more critical. It is estimated that more than 2,800 ransomware attacks take place each week—that adds up to more than 145,000 ransomware attacks per year.

Strong Relationships Matter More When MSPs Consolidate Vendors

A rising tide lifts all boats. This common phrase offers a perfect explanation of why strong supplier and partner relationships are essential to the success of your business. Partner programs come in all shapes and sizes, but not all provide the same value to you and your business. However, when you invest in developing key business collaborations, both your company and its suppliers can reap the rewards of your efforts.

BSIMM: Top five software security activities that create a better software security initiative

Looking to build trust in your software? Start with BSIMM12’s top five software security activities. For any organization looking to improve the security of its software, Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM) has dozens of options. Many dozens. The 12th iteration of the BSIMM report, released September 28, details 122 software security activities (also known as controls) that were observed in the 128 participating organizations.

3 Tips to Building a Risk-Aware Culture

Enterprise organizations and government agencies worldwide are focused on strengthening their computer networks against the risk of a cyberattack. However, a cybersecurity program is only as strong as its weakest link – and that link is often an employee. Yes, employees remain the biggest cybersecurity threat today. So, in addition to putting the right security controls and tools in place, your Information Security team needs to create a more risk-aware culture.

Learn About the Digital Operational Resilience Act

Around the world, and particularly over the past few years, regulators have been looking for ways to strengthen the resilience of the financial sector. In the European Union, regulators within the European Commission (EC) have taken a concrete step to meet this objective through the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). The EC published a draft version of DORA in September 2020.

Three new announcements on Nightfall's products

The Nightfall blog is a knowledgebase for cybersecurity professionals with news and insights from the world of cloud security. Each week, we’re publishing new content to help you stay up-to-date on cybersecurity topics and to prepare you for the issues and threats that occur every day on the job.

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Fostering a culture of security with a hybrid workforce

Over the past two years, change has been rapid and widespread in the business world. The pandemic forced a frenzied shift to remote work, and the rushed adoption of new tools, workflows, and communication methods. Now, rather than cram back into the office all at once, many companies are testing the waters of hybrid work - either as a stepping stone or an indefinite transformation.