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Exploring 3 types of directory traversal vulnerabilities in C/C++

Directory traversal vulnerabilities (also known as path traversal vulnerabilities) allow bad actors to gain access to folders that they shouldn’t have access to. In this post, we are going to take a look how directory traversal vulnerabilities work on web servers written on C/C++, as well as how to prevent them.

Setting Up an SSH Bastion Host

What is an SSH bastion and how is this different from an SSH jump server or an SSH proxy? In this post, we’ll answer this question and will show you how to set it up using two popular open source projects. Both Teleport and OpenSSH support bastions, and they are extremely similar as they are both single-binary Linux daemons. Both require a simple configuration file usually stored somewhere under /etc/.

Splunk Releases Add-On for Google Workspace Security Monitoring

As the trend toward having a more distributed labor force working remotely part or full time persists, Splunk continues to see strong customer demand for more visibility into the security of the productivity and collaborative products their employees use. To assist with these requests, we’re excited to announce the release of Splunk Add-On for Google Workspace 2.0. This second major release includes important changes requested by our customers and valuable new functionality.

How Does Cybersecurity Impact Environmental Services and Infrastructure?

Environmental sustainability has become a significant concern for businesses today. Yet, many are not seeing the connection between sustainability efforts and cybersecurity. Despite how different they may seem, these two topics are intertwined. If environmental services and infrastructure don’t embrace better security, the consequences could be severe. If organizations hope to make a positive environmental impact, they need thorough, reliable cybersecurity.

All You Wanted To Know About Rainbow Table Attacks

Contrary to what the name suggests, rainbow tables are nowhere as picturesque and pose a severe threat to users and businesses using the digital world. This article will attempt to break down the hows and whats of a rainbow table and arm you with knowledge on preventing a rainbow table attack. Primarily used as the base of a password cracking tool, this table helps crack password hash values or crack passwords.

Runtime Protection: The Secret Weapon for Stopping Breaches in the Cloud

Mistakes are easy to make, but in the world of cloud computing, they aren’t always easy to find and remediate without help. Cloud misconfigurations are frequently cited as the most common causes of breaches in the cloud. According to a 2021 survey from VMware and the Cloud Security Alliance, one in six surveyed companies experienced a public cloud security breach or incident due to a cloud misconfiguration in the previous 12 months.

Security intelligence analytics: Planning Increases ROI

It’s been a week. A long week. After the most recent Board of Directors meeting, your senior leadership tasked you with finding a security analytics solution. Over the last month, you’ve worked with leadership to develop some basic use cases to determine which solution meets your security and budget needs. You started your research, but everything on the market seems really overwhelming. The Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools have the capabilities you want - and then some.