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Setting up SSL/TLS for Kubernetes Ingress

Today, web and mobile applications and API-based microservice endpoints are becoming the default. These applications are reachable through the HTTP web protocol. The encryption provided by a Secured Socket Layer or Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) is a must to secure the communication between client and server and across API back-ends. SSL/TLS are certificate-based encryption mechanisms. SSL has been the standard for over 20 years.

A Detailed Orientation To SaaS Application and its Security Aspect

With the enormous utilization of the internet and business goals to save additional expenses, SaaS applications are coming to light. Such applications are now running in every organization, handling extensive confidential information. Therefore, it makes firms focus more on understanding SaaS application security. So, we have curated the most prominent SaaS app security aspects, covering the primary user’s perspective from each end. Let’s have a look at it.

Modern Application Security Needs More Than Tech. Don't Neglect Governance

This is the fifth of a six-part blog series that highlights findings from a new Mend white paper, Five Principles of Modern Application Security Programs. Be sure to look out for our upcoming blogs on each of the five principles. While IT and security professionals all generally agree that cyberattacks are on the rise, there remains a great deal of disparity in how they choose to prepare for those attacks.

The Top 5 Cyber Threats Facing Businesses Today

Businesses are more vulnerable to cybercrime now than ever before. Hackers are getting smarter and more sophisticated, and they are constantly coming up with new ways to exploit businesses online. If you want to protect your business from cybercrime, you need to be aware of the top 5 cyber threats that are facing businesses today. In this blog post, we will discuss each of these threats in detail and provide tips on how you can protect your business from them.

What We See for 2023-Predictions for Cloud Security & Beyond

As the new year draws closer, we’ve asked our experts here at Netskope to see what they have on their radar for 2023. Similar to years past, we’ve broken these predictions out into “Long Shots,” more out-there predictions we think could potentially happen in the next year, and “Trending Topics,” predictions around topics you may have seen discussed a bit this year but digging into how we expect them to evolve. Here’s what our experts see for 2023.

Microservices Security: Fundamentals and Best Practices

The many benefits of microservices architecture, such as improved scalability and agility, explain why organizations are migrating from the traditional monolithic architecture. However, these benefits come at the cost of increased complexity, especially regarding security. According to an O’Reilly survey, 56% of respondents considered increased complexity the greatest challenge in developing microservices.

Russian-Speaking Threat Actors Claim New DDoS Attacks Against U.S. Targets

Citing senior Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) officials, journalistsreported on November 8 that DDoS attacks had temporarily disabled the website of a state government. A group claiming to be pro-Russian hacktivists, CyberArmyofRussia_Reborn, claimed responsibility for that attack and another on the website of a U.S. political party’s governing body on the same day, specifying one target IP address for each organization.