In an era where digital connectivity spans across borders, understanding and countering global cyber threats has become a paramount concern for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. This blog post delves into the prevailing global cyber threat trends and outlines effective strategies to defend against these evolving challenges.
The role of governments has evolved to include the safeguarding of not just physical borders but also virtual territories. With an increasing reliance on technology, the need for robust cybersecurity measures within government entities has never been more critical. Here we’ll explore cybersecurity best practices that can fortify government systems, ensuring the protection of sensitive information and the preservation of national security.
There’s never going to be a silver bullet that makes a CISO’s job easy, but I believe that with the right people, tools, metrics, and KPIs, the job can become easier. My fellow security leaders—the CISO mafia, if you will—have expressed frustration in the past when it comes to Security Ratings. Their view has been that an external rating was not done with any cooperation or internal view of their security environment.
Cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), the growing complexity of cyber threats poses a unique challenge. This is where threat intelligence comes in as a game-changer, offering SMBs a way to enhance their cybersecurity measures effectively.
Urging taxpayers and tax professionals to be vigilant, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides some simple guidance on how to spot new scams aimed at being able to file fake tax returns. Apparently, there are actually three certainties in life: death, taxes and scams revolving around taxes. This according to the IRS, as part of their annual Security Summit. As with any major event that has the attention of millions of people simultaneously, tax season is no exception.
This week, cybercriminals again targeted US medical records and patient identities. The attacks started with a 2.5 million record breach from Kentucky’s Norton Healthcare circuit, including data from pediatric patients. On the other side of the country, cybercriminals also targeted Oregon’s Neuro Center of the Cascades; the attack spilled over 20k records into the hands of criminals.
In the Valley of the Sun, Cardiovascular Consultants Ltd. (CVC) provides clinical, surgical, and consultation services; the Phoenix-based cardio group serves 11 of the region’s hospitals—offering a range of assistance for patients and physicians. In September, cybercriminals attacked CVC. The event may have exposed the information of thousands.
This month we have a number of new feature enhancements and product updates to share with you, including Dark Mode for Android, thoughtful setting enhancements across the Keeper vault and browser extension, as well as improvements to our AWS CLI credential process with Keeper’s Secrets Manager (KSM). Continue reading to learn more.