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Yet Another Perspective on Prototype Pollution

JavaScript is a programming language based on prototypes instead of classes. When a new object is created, the features of the prototype object are inherited – this includes arrays, functions, and even class definitions. The new object can also act as a template for other inheriting objects, transferring its properties, and creating the prototype chain.

Three Ways to Align with the White House's Cybersecurity Recommendations

The global pandemic and more recent geo-political events have brought an even greater focus on the threat of cyber attacks on individuals and businesses. Even as global lockdowns and restrictions on movement have eased, many organizations have not adapted to remote or hybrid styles of work. The reality that most of the workforce now operates outside a perimeter that can be controlled creates greater opportunity for scammers, hackers and the potential for cyber attacks than ever before.

Three Big Myths About Application Testing With SAST Tools

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is one of the principal techniques for assessing the source code of applications to detect possible vulnerabilities. SAST enhances application security during the early stages of the development life cycle and plays an important role in shifting security left. However, there are quite a few myths that are often associated with implementing SAST security tools. Let’s run through the big three.

Build a holistic AppSec program

What does it mean to build a holistic AppSec program? Learn what’s involved in a holistic approach and how to get started. Digital technology is the centerpiece of modern life today. All around us, technology is transforming business operations from end-to-end, from digital-first businesses to those simply updating existing processes. According to Gartner, 65% of executives report that they accelerated the pace of their digital business initiatives in 2021.

How to Leverage Self-Service Peer Benchmarking to Manage and Measure Your Software Security Program

It is not hard to set application security goals. Security teams want to reduce risk. Developers want to quickly meet the requirements of security policy and hit deadlines. Executives want growth within their risk tolerance. What is hard is defining an appropriate level of risk and measuring whether your AppSec program is efficient, effective, and returning expected outcomes based on your investments.

Unifying Security and Development

Most developers don’t learn about secure coding in the college IT programs. And once they join the workforce, they often don’t have the time to learn about secure coding. The responsibility of training developers in secure coding best practices usually falls on security practitioners. Security practitioners are notoriously overworked, often lacking the bandwidth to train developers. Organizations are thus turning to AppSec learning experiences built specifically for development teams.

3 Ways Using ASVS Can Help Your Organization

As digital transformation continues to take over the world, security increasingly becomes a concern for companies of all sizes. No matter how big of a security team you might have, it is hard to speak a common language between security and development teams on what controls you need during the software development life cycle. To tackle this problem, OWASP has released Application Security Verification Standard towards the end of 2021.

Celebrating one year of Rapid Scan Static

As we celebrate the first anniversary of Rapid Scan Static, we look back at the growth of our new SAST engine. In June 2021, Synopsys officially released Rapid Scan Static, a feature of Code Sight™ SE and Coverity® by Synopsys and powered by the Sigma scan engine. Rapid Scan Static reduces the noise and friction for developers by providing fast results that enable them to take action earlier in the software development life cycle (SDLC).

Six Steps to Achieve Zero Trust in Application Security

The continuing escalation in cyberattacks on large corporations, coupled with an acceleration of digital transformation, has forced organizations to reassess their security strategies and infrastructure. This escalation has driven growth in the adoption of zero-trust application security and compliance. The zero-trust approach means that no devices or software should be trusted by default, even if they have permissions and previous verification.

What Are the Most Prevalent Flaws in Your Programming Language?

A few months ago, we released our 12th annual State of Software Security (SOSS) Report. In our announcement blog, we noted new application development trends (like increased use of microservices and open-source libraries), the positive impact that Veracode Security Labs has on time to remediate security flaws, and the increased use of multiple application security scan types. But what we have yet to dive into is the security flaws we found in different programming languages.