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What Is Application Security? Trends, Challenges & Benefits

Application security is integral to software development, and the majority of organizations now have dedicated AppSec programs. In the past five years, there has been a marked cultural shift, with application security becoming a strategic initiative that spans departments rather than an activity, like periodic scanning, code reviews, or testing or a transactional event related to a security assessment.

How to Assess Your Organization's Application Security

Application security assessments are more critical than ever before. Digital transformation is required to meet the expectations of customers in many industries, meaning that companies are looking for software products to help them modernize their operations and meet those demands. However, choosing a piece of software is an expression of trust: by bringing your software into their network, customers are looking to accomplish their goals without letting attackers in.

Top trends in Application Security in 2022

The rising number of cyber attacks against software applications has emphasized how security must serve as an important factor in software development. More than the traditional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) procedures, now security-integrated development lifecycles are being widely adapted. These aren’t the typical security assessments that are performed at the very end of development of the application, but embedded throughout the lifecycle.

SAST vs DAST: Explore different types, and examples and make the right choice.

To keep up with the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, application security is a big challenge. Unfortunately, security is often overlooked in the modern software development and delivery framework and assumed as a luxury. Rather than taking a proactive approach, security is incorporated as a reactive approach that increases costs and makes the company suffer losses.

A Swift Kick in the Nuts and Bolts of Banking

The global financial services industry is undergoing a seismic shift and not enough people are truly aware of what this means. By November of this year, banks and other financial institutions must have in place a new process for payment systems that uses the ISO 20022 standard instead of SWIFT. This must be active by November and by 2025, all financial institutions will have to be compliant.

5 Essential Skills to Become a DevSecOps Engineer

Security has become increasingly integrated with software development over the last few years, and the software industry needed a new role to own secure software development processes. As a result, DevSecOps Engineer role has emerged and gained popularity in the last decade. DevSecOps is the abbreviation of three words; Development, security, and operations, and it aims to develop applications more securely in the software development life cycle (SDLC).

Out-of-band application security with Intelligent Orchestration

Intelligent Orchestration enables security and development teams to implement coordinated DevSecOps workflows with minimal friction. Application security (AppSec) adds an extra layer to software development. The more the process is automated and the more tools are integrated into the continuous delivery/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, the more challenges organizations face in securing software security from end to end (false positives, noise, etc.).

Veracode Achieves Public Sector Milestone with FedRAMP Authorization

The software security landscape has drastically evolved over the past few years. Think back to the start of COVID-19. The sudden shift to virtual operations expediated digital transformations. Government agencies now have to release new digital products and services in tighter timeframes, causing public sector leadership to choose between speed of deployments or verifiably secure code. The data says it all...