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Introducing Snyk's new Risk Score for risk-based prioritization

We’re happy to announce the open beta availability of Snyk’s new Risk Score! Replacing the existing Priority Score, the new Risk Score was designed to help you prioritize more effectively by providing you with an accurate and holistic understanding of the risk posed by a given security issue.

What Is Financial Crime Risk Management (FCRM)?

Financial crime risk management (FCRM) is the practice of proactively looking for financial crime, including investigating and analyzing suspicious activity, rooting out vulnerabilities and taking steps to lower an organization’s risk of becoming a victim. For organizations in every industry across the globe, an effective FCRM strategy has never been more important.

Want to Reduce Your Cyber Risk? Increase Diversity!

A customer walks into a clothing store to purchase a pair of pants. The salesperson directs them toward ten racks, all filled with khaki pants. Some are slightly different colors. Others are hemmed differently. But overall, the pants are essentially identical: monotonous, repetitive and drab. The problem is, the customer wants jeans, yoga pants and navy slacks. They feel isolated, confused and like they don’t belong. They leave the store without buying anything.

What is Cybersecurity Risk and How Can You Manage It?

In the world of risk management, risk is commonly defined as threat times vulnerability times consequence. The objective of risk management is to mitigate vulnerabilities to threats and the potential consequences, thereby reducing risk to an acceptable level. When applied to cybersecurity risk, this equation provides a great deal of insight on steps organizations can take to mitigate risk.

6 Myths About Cybersecurity Ratings (and 1 Truth)

Today, electricity is so ubiquitous that it’s difficult to perform even basic tasks without it. But when electricity was first introduced, it took decades for broad acceptance and adoption because it was misunderstood and misused. Slowly, the benefits began to outweigh the cons. As with any innovation, there are setbacks, but electricity has overwhelmingly been a force for good. The same can be said about cybersecurity risk ratings. Are they perfect? No.

New SEC cybersecurity rules: Five things every public company CISO should do now

By now you’ve heard about the new cybersecurity rules from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requiring public companies to report material cybersecurity incidents and disclose critical information related to cybersecurity risk management, expertise, and governance. Companies will be required to disclose risks in their annual reports beginning on December 15, 2023.

Positive Risk vs. Negative Risk in Enterprise Risk Management

Businesses face risk all the time – and that’s OK. Even though the word “risk” typically has negative connotations, the term can actually represent many situations, not all of them unfavorable. ISO 31000 states that risk is the “effect of uncertainty on objectives.” That actually means risk can come in two types: positive and negative.

How to Negotiate the Best Cyber Insurance Policy

Most companies will quickly accept the insurance provider's first offer when negotiating cybersecurity insurance policies. Although a relatively new component of the insurance sector, providers have still been conducting cyber assessments and offers for years and are the so-called expert. ‍ However, this way of thinking costs enterprises thousands, if not millions, of dollars a year in deductibles.

Cybersecurity in the Entertainment Industry: Risks and Solutions

Book publishers, movie distributors, TV producers, game developers, and newspaper publishers are just a few of the many businesses in the media and entertainment industry increasing their use of online services. Streaming services and the production of digital assets are the norm for media companies around the globe.