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Why cyber insurance should be part of any comprehensive risk management strategy

The recent rise of ransomware, attacks on supply chains and increasing costliness of privacy regulations has made cyber insurance an important topic of discussion. But it can be tricky to keep up with cyber insurance requirements. One of the most robust ways to meet those requirements is with multi-factor authentication (MFA).

What is the SSL Not Available Risk?

So you've received a critical risk finding for SSL not available, which means your domain does not have an SSL certificate installed on the server. To resolve this finding, you can generate and supply an up-to-date SSL/TLS certificate on your site. SSL, which stands for secure sockets layer, and its successor TLS, or transport layer security, are internet protocols for securing traffic between systems with an encryption algorithm.

What is Risk Modeling?

Investments in effective risk management, and especially in IT systems to manage risk, have historically paid huge dividends. In a 2023 PwC US Risk Perspectives Survey, 57 percent of C-suite respondents reported seeing better decision-making capabilities thanks to investments in such applications. But there is still significant room for improvement in enterprise risk management, starting with better risk modeling and forecasting.

Simplify AppSec program management with Software Risk Manager

In a world where software risk is business risk, you need a robust ASPM solution that simplifies testing, triage and risk management. Now more than ever, organizations are realizing that software risk is business risk, and making application security programs scalable and efficient is paramount to successfully managing that risk.

What is a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment?

A cybersecurity risk assessment is an examination of an organization or potential vendor’s current technology, security controls, policies, and procedures and which potential threats or attacks could affect the company’s most critical assets and data. Organizations can use cybersecurity risk assessments to understand their ability to protect sensitive data, information, and critical assets from cyber attacks.

Your Ultimate Guide to AICPA's SOC 2 Updates

Cybersecurity is ever-changing and a critical consideration for business survival. One must always be prepared to keep their business secure and their customers satisfied. But how do you keep up with all the compliance framework changes, such as last October’s SOC 2 guidance updates? This was my challenge as the GRC manager at a SaaS startup: an updated compliance framework version would be released, and I’d need to figure out how to incorporate the new requirements.

Following METI's Attack Surface Guidance with Bitsight

On May 29 2023, the Cybersecurity Division of the Commerce and Information Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) released an introduction guidance on Attack Surface Management (ASM) as a response to the increased cyber threats as a result of companies’ rapid digital transformation has led to a dynamic and growth of their internet footprint and possible attack vectors.

4 Tips for Reducing Your Company's Cyber Exposure

If your organization is like many others, its cyber exposure continues to grow over time. During the pandemic, as attackers sought to exploit unprecedented changes in work environments, 35% of cyberattacks used previously unseen malware or methods, up from the norm of 20%. And with the average enterprise using well over 1,000 cloud services, it can be very difficult to get a handle on potential vulnerabilities or to know when risks will pop up.

A Guide to Vendor Relationship Management

Vendor relationship management is a process focused on overseeing relationships with third-party vendors. Vendors can range from small independent contractors for one-time projects to multi-year business partners critical to an organization’s success. Companies rarely handle all their business in-house and independently.

8 Third-Party Risk Management Challenges + Solutions and Tips

An effective third-party risk management (TRPM) program allows organizations to assess potential vulnerabilities and mitigate security risks across their entire ecosystem of vendors and suppliers. If your organization is expanding its third-party ecosystem by relying on partnerships to execute core operations, creating an effective TPRM plan is critical to regulating data risks across your growing attack surface.