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Unveiling Socks5Systemz: The Rise of a New Proxy Service via PrivateLoader and Amadey

Proxy services offer users the ability to rent a set of IP addresses for internet use, granting a level of online anonymity. Essentially, they make your internet traffic appear as if it's coming from a regular IP address while keeping the real origin hidden. Recently, our Threat Research team discovered a new malware sample, distributed by the PrivateLoader and Amadey loaders.

Unlocking the Secrets of GDPR Data Mapping: A Comprehensive Guide

Imagine a world where you confidently navigate the complexities of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, streamline data processes, and safeguard sensitive information. Sounds enticing, right? The key lies in unlocking the secrets of GDPR data mapping. Let’s explore the ins and outs of this powerful process and learn how to harness its full potential for your organization.

How Security Ratings Empower CISOs in an Era of Burnout

When I bring up the topic of security ratings to my CISO colleagues, I typically get one of two reactions. The first half complains about misattribution of issues along with reporting fix times (although accuracy has improved). But the other half understand how to leverage this technology to their benefit to make their jobs easier and their organizations safer. Read below to get under the hood of how to leverage the evolving application of this technology to secure your supply chain.

Pirates of the Inbox: Navigating the Dangerous World of Business Email Compromise

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is one of the fastest-growing and financially-damaging cybercrimes. It has consistently led the way in cybercrime losses in recent years. According to the 2022 FBI Internet Crime Report, the FBI received 21,832 Business Email Compromise (BEC) complaints, with estimated losses totalling more than $2.7B. Data shows a 38% increase in cybercrime as a service targeting business email between 2019 and 2022.

Application Risk Assessments: Why They're Important and How to Perform Them

An application risk assessment is the process of evaluating and understanding the security risks associated with an application. This information is used to help organizations make better decisions about how to protect their applications from potential attacks. By examining factors such as the number of vulnerabilities and the time needed to patch them, they are able to estimate the possibility of an attack on their application.

Effective Workflow For Your Audit Management Process

External and internal audits generate better insight into your data security, yet most employees flee from the process. Audits are cumbersome, time-consuming, and often feel peripheral to most people’s daily workload. Yet, several benefits of internal auditing make it a critical component of the long-term sustainability of your organization. However, mastering an efficient workflow for your audit management process, including risk-based internal audits, can make a significant difference.

CISO's Guide to Data-Driven Budget for Cyber Security Spend

‍ The global economic situation is far from encouraging. The IMF’s World Economic Outlook predicts growth will again fall by 3% in 2024 as central banks continue to fight inflation. Businesses throughout all industries are expected to tighten their budgets for the upcoming year, scrutinizing and slashing spending across departments. ‍ At the same time, recent research reveals that the global cost of cyber attacks is expected to reach $10.5 trillion annually.

How Security Ratings Can Harmonize Cybersecurity Regulations

In July of this year, the Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) stated in its release of an RFI on regulatory harmonization that: “When cybersecurity regulations of the same underlying technology are inconsistent or contradictory—or where they are duplicative but enforced differently by different regulators … consumers pay more, and our national security suffers.” This is an understatement. SecurityScorecard agrees and was happy to share our comments with ONCD today.

Cyber Trust and Transparency

In cybersecurity, the terms “trust” and “transparency” are often mentioned. And while they should no doubt be a priority, they can also be difficult to quantify. Good CISOs recognize that transparency in cybersecurity isn’t a one-time effort. It’s a continuous process that involves a near-constant state of evolution. But with the right tools and systems in place, it’s possible to not only measure trust and transparency but improve them as well.

Identifying Assets for IT Risk Analysis

Any organization that uses information technology should conduct cybersecurity risk assessments from time to time. Each organization, however, faces its own unique set of security risks and needs to tailor its approach to addressing those specific risks within its risk management processes. To get started, you first need to identify all your organization’s IT assets, which might be subject to those risks.