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What is a Cyber Security Audit vs. Assessment (And Which One You Need)

In this article: If you're a security leader being asked to facilitate a cybersecurity audit, or if you are a member of the board requesting one, you must understand the difference between a cybersecurity audit and a cybersecurity assessment. Despite sounding the same, both provide you with different types of information - and that might have a significant impact on your organization’s security posture. In this blog, we provide a quick introduction to a cybersecurity audit vs.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Implementation - A How-To Get Started Guide

Cybersecurity's overarching purpose is to better protect an organization against cyber events. However, especially in the corporate setting, it's not enough for chief information security officers (CISOs) to say they've implemented a patch or a firewall and, therefore, their systems are "more" secure. Not only is the result’s description vague, but it also offers very little insight into its ROI. ‍

How to Detect Shadow IT and Hidden Risk in Your Organization

In today's fast-paced business environment, the ever-evolving landscape of technology empowers employees with unprecedented flexibility and agility. While this fosters innovation and productivity, it also presents a lurking challenge—Shadow IT. This term encapsulates the use of unauthorized software, applications, or devices within an organization, posing substantial cybersecurity risks and operational hurdles.

SecurityScorecard Returns to the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting: Our Top 5 Insights

Last week, SecurityScorecard was invited back to participate in the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. It was a tremendous honor and, once again, we were the only security ratings company present (and one of the few cybersecurity companies). Our team spent the week with a dynamic mix of tech innovators, thought leaders, and heads of state, discussing some of the world’s most pressing political, societal, and economic challenges.

Introducing SecurityScorecard MAX

What keeps CISOs up at night? The extended, often unsecured, ever-changing attack surface of critical supply chain vendors providing an unmonitored pathway into their enterprise. Emerging zero-day vulnerabilities, like MOVEit and SolarWinds, are time-sensitive issues that require immediate attention by security teams that are often over-burdened with securing the local enterprise.

6 Behaviors that Hinder Vulnerability Management Maturity

I’ll be honest – the last time someone asked me to assess my behavior was in therapy. Difficult? Yes. Who likes to audit themselves? But that process taught me something valuable: evaluating ourselves, even when uncomfortable, propels us forward. In my many conversations with security professionals, one common theme emerges. We need continuous progress forward as security organizations for the business.

All You Ever Wanted to Know About FedRAMP 3PAOs

Third-party assessment organizations, or “3PAOs,” play a crucial role in compliance with the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, more commonly known as FedRAMP. 3PAOs assess the offerings of cloud service providers (CSPs), to help those CSPs satisfy their FedRAMP compliance obligations. Moreover, the 3PAOs’ input allows U.S. federal agencies to make informed, risk-based decisions about the CSPs those agencies might want to use.

Cybersecurity and Proxy Season: What Business Executives and Risk Leaders Need to Know

If you’re a business executive or a risk leader, you’re likely familiar with “proxy season,” the time of year when public companies hold their annual general meetings. During these meetings, investors have the opportunity to vote on important issues such as the election of board members and executive compensation.

Audit Log Best Practices For Information Security

Audit logs are essential for ensuring the security of an organization’s information systems. They track all events that occur within a system, including log-on attempts, file access, network connection, and other crucial operations. Should But, without proper management, audit logs are mostly a wasted opportunity – nothing more than scraps of data whose importance and potential are never harnessed.