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Data Security Posture Management (DSPM): The Meaning, Importance, and How it Works

DSPM or Data Security Posture Management is the modern approach to securing the information ecosystem. It represents a pivotal shift from the traditional castle-and-moat approach focused on IT devices to one that is focused on data.

Practitioner's Corner: Managing Hidden Risk and Shadow IT

When it comes to managing hidden risk and shadow IT, our primary challenge as cybersecurity practitioners is securing the organization’s data and applications while empowering users to perform their duties efficiently. After all, one survey found that 67% of employees aren’t completely satisfied with their workplace tools and technologies—often resulting in the adoption of unsanctioned applications.

Monitoring Progress With CRQ for Cybersecurity Performance Management

Rome wasn't built in a day. It took architects, city planners, and laborers many years to construct it, making small developments every day. Just as with Rome, cybersecurity programs, too, require significant time and investment to come to fruition. ‍ However, without knowing their initial cyber risk exposure, it can be challenging for stakeholders to comprehend the full value that cybersecurity initiatives have already delivered to the organization.

DDoS Attacks: What You Need To Know

In the intricate web of digital security threats, one particularly disruptive technique stands out: the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. This form of cyber assault involves numerous compromised systems, often referred to as bots or zombies, which are used to overwhelm a target website with an avalanche of requests. The result? Legitimate users find themselves unable to access the site, leading to significant operational disruptions.

Hacker Subcultures: Unmasking the Motivations and Methods

The world of cybersecurity is vast and teeming with a wide array of hackers who possess distinct motivations, objectives, and methods. Unfortunately, public awareness of these differences is nearly non-existent. Some individuals employ their skills for noble purposes, while others are driven by malicious intent. Let’s delve into several subcultures within the realm of hackers, exploring their unique characteristics and their roles in shaping the cybersecurity landscape.

Bolstering Cyber Resilience in the US Water Sector: A Call to Action

Tomorrow, February 6, 2024, the House Homeland Security Committee will hold a hearing on securing US water systems from cyberattacks. Following last year’s widely publicized attack on the municipal water system in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, Congress, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and industry leaders have rightly increased their focus on the unique risks facing water systems across the country.

Protecting Student-Athlete Data: TPRM for Collegiate Athletics

American college athletics is a foundational pillar of higher education institutions and a profitable business model for universities. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which regulates college athletics, reported that in 2020, Division I schools earned $15.7 billion in athletics revenue. In 2023, NCAA Division I school Ohio State University reported a record-breaking revenue of over $275 million from its athletic department alone.

From Confusion to Clarity: Red Sift Breaks Down Google and Yahoo's Email Security Requirements

Many people around the world right now are confused as to whether their organization is ready for Google and Yahoo’s new requirements for bulk senders. So don’t worry, you’re not alone. Back in October the announcement was made that there would be consequences for organizations sending more than 5,000 emails a day who didn’t have their email security in order. But what are the consequences? And who really needs to worry?

Decoding Cyber Security Innovations with SecurityScorecard CEO Alex Yampolskiy

As part of a multi-part series with NightDragon, Nasdaq, and J.P. Morgan, SecurityScorecard founder and CEO Dr. Aleksandr Yampolskiy sat down with NightDragon CEO Dave DeWalt and unveiled his deep-rooted passion for cybersecurity. Tracing back to an early encounter with a computer virus as a child, Yampolskiy discusses how this pivotal moment sparked an enduring curiosity, driving him toward a distinguished academic path.