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Prioritize Security Without Sacrificing Productivity: Balancing Identity Management and Risk Tolerance

In the fast-paced, large-scale world of digital business, establishing and managing an acceptable risk tolerance related to user identities — both human and machine — is a critical element of organizational security. At the forefront of this challenge is the need to strike the right balance between ensuring robust security and maintaining an environment that doesn’t impede innovation. After all, identities are the new perimeter in the cloud.

MDR vs MSSP: What is the difference?

At Obrela , our mission is to keep your business in business. And we achieve it by protecting and preventing malicious attacks from cybercriminals. When we onboard new clients, we are often asked to explain the difference between MDR and MSSP. Both options offer managed cybersecurity processes. However, there are some key differences between MDR and MSSP.

Leveraging Cyber Risk Quantification for NIS2 Compliance

‍In response to the growing number of disparate cyber regulations across its member states, resulting in inconsistent cybersecurity practices, the EU drafted Directive 2022/2555, more commonly known as NIS 2. This sweeping directive, officially in effect in October 2024, aims to ensure a more uniform, proactive approach to cyber risk management across the union in the face of an interdependent market and increasingly costly risk landscape.

CISA KEV performance in the Financial Sector

As a security data nerd I am absolutely spoiled here at Bitsight. So much so that I have to stop myself from doing little projects and requests so I can dive into the “big” stuff1. So it is always refreshing when folks see a piece of research and decide “hey can you give me more information on my little corner of the world.” Then of course and can throw off those notions of “stopping” and just dive back in.

The Importance of Application Security Posture Management in Business

Application security posture management (ASPM) is a critical process for businesses today. It involves assessing and managing the security risks in business applications to protect against cyber threats. With advancing technology, cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated, making it crucial to maintain a robust application security posture. By doing so, businesses can prevent data breaches, ensure business continuity, and build customer trust.

4 Simple Steps to Implement Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Imagine if your fire alarm sensor went off every time you burned your toast or lit candles on a birthday cake. After a few false alarms, you’d probably start ignoring them or even turn your sensor off just to get some peace. This is what many information security teams are experiencing with vulnerability alerts.

What is a WAF (Web Application Firewall)? How does it Work?

As organizations are increasingly relying on web applications, securing them is vital. A Web Application Firewall (WAF) plays a critical role in protecting web apps by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between the application and the internet. Unlike traditional firewalls, which safeguard internal networks, a WAF focuses on protecting web applications from threats such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and other vulnerabilities.

Continuing to Evolve Next-Gen Asset Attribution Through Service Provider Collaboration

One of the primary reasons that the Bitsight Security Rating is widely respected and closely correlated with real-world security outcomes is the scale and sophistication of our asset attribution capabilities. In a recent post, my colleague Francisco Ferreira shared an update on the momentum building with Bitsight Graph of Internet Assets (GIA), the AI-powered engine we use to map assets to organizations and build our Ratings Trees.