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What is the NIST Supply Chain Risk Management Program?

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is a federal agency under the responsibility of the US Department of Commerce. Established in 1901 to promote innovation and industrial competitiveness in the US, NIST helps organizations advance measurement science, technology, and standards to improve the quality of life for citizens and enhance economic security.

Why Risk Intelligence is Today's Top Security Priority

$132.94 billion. That’s the size of the cybersecurity market today. But despite the massive investment in money, time, and expertise, organizations have never been more at risk of an attack. What’s causing the disconnect? Despite all the effort to ensure security, there is an equally massive and growing effort to exploit vulnerable organizations.

Raising Standards in Risk Management for UK Public Sector

The UK’s public sector has now had three months to digest the first UK Government Cyber Security Strategy and start building it into their short and long-term plans. With the strategy specifically calling upon public sector organisations to lead by example, the clock is ticking for action to follow the guidelines.

New York Department of Financial Services Modernizes Regulatory Oversight through Establishing First-of-its-Kind Use Case with SecurityScorecard

New York DFS is working with SecurityScorecard to further support the department’s first-in-the-nation cybersecurity efforts to modernize its supervision process. The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) is now working with SecurityScorecard to modernize its approach toward regulatory oversight.

Reciprocity Community Edition Best Practices: How to Get Started with the Reciprocity ROAR Platform

The Reciprocity® Community Edition is now available and is your chance to see the new Reciprocity ROAR Platform in action and it…is…totally…free! This is a great opportunity for you to not only get an instance of the ROAR Platform but also to see how the Reciprocity Community can provide you with meaningful content and connections to other organizations facing similar challenges. And did I mention that it’s free?!?

What Is COBIT?

COBIT is an acronym for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies. The COBIT framework was created by Information Systems Audit and Control Association, ISACA to bridge the crucial gap between technical issues, business risks and control requirements. COBIT is an IT governance framework for businesses that want to implement, monitor and improve their IT management best practices.

Vulnerability, Threats, Exploits and their relationship with risk

When protecting an organisation against cyber attacks, the words security threats, vulnerabilities, risk exposure, and sometimes exploits are seen very commonly. Unfortunately, these terms are not used correctly or interchangeably and are often left undefined.

How Big is Your Attack Surface? - The So What About Third Party Vendors

Your organization’s attack surface can be a tricky thing to monitor. In our connected world, it seems like your attack surface is always expanding. That’s probably true. Attack surface expansion has exploded, driven by cloud adoption, the use of SaaS (software as a service) tools, and the fact that so many organizations have come to rely on third-party vendors.