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Improving accuracy and value: Why Inviting Vendors is important

As most of our customers know, every single company – customer or not – gets free and unlimited access to their own company’s Scorecard. This view allows them to see the complete details of their scorecard and a high-level view of five other scorecards. SecurityScorecard provides this free access because we know that when companies engage with their scorecard, their scores improve, their attribution becomes more accurate, and our customers lower their own cyber risk.

The Biggest Security Risks in Your Supply Chain in 2022

The SolarWinds supply chain attack highlighted how vulnerable supply chains are to cyberattacks. Supply chain risk mitigation has since become an essential component of risk management strategies and information security programs. To support the success of this effort, we’ve listed the top 4 supply chain security risks you need to be aware of in 2022.

Cybersecurity Risk Management: Introduction to Security Analytics

It’s mid-morning. You’re scanning the daily news while enjoying a coffee break. You come across yet another headline broadcasting a supply chain data breach. Your heart skips a quick, almost undetectable, beat. You have the technology in the headline in your stack. You set aside your coffee and begin furiously scanning through the overwhelming number of alerts triggered across all your technologies.

Driving Business Results with a Strategic Approach to Risk - and with ZenRisk

Every business activity involves risk, so simply viewing and measuring risk at a high level isn’t enough. InfoSec teams also need to identify and categorize risks as they relate to individual business activities and the context around them. Managing risk is all about delivering insights so that key stakeholders – including executives and the board – can better understand their IT risk posture and use that knowledge to make better business decisions. But where to start?

Working with At-Risk Businesses: How It Can Dismantle Your Zero Trust Strategy

Nowadays, building a zero-trust network has become a standard protocol in the era of evolving business models, multiple workforce platforms, cloud adoption, and increased device connectivity. But, if a business continues to work with at-risk organizations, the zero-trust policy crumbles. Working with well-secured third parties that uphold a zero-trust strategy is crucial for optimal cybersecurity within any business.

Move aside, Conti, Lapsus$ coming through!

-In the hours after news broke that Lapsus$ claimed to have breached Okta, an enterprise identity and access management firm, SecurityScorecard’s Threat Research and Intelligence team conducted a rapid investigation into Lapsus$ to provide customers and partners with the very latest in actionable security intelligence and insights related to this emerging cybercrime group. -Lapsus$’s targets have quickly evolved from Brazilian and Portuguese organizations to high-profile U.S.

SEC's Proposed Disclosure Amendments: Are You Impacted?

On March 9, 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced proposed rules and amendments to enhance and standardize disclosures regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incident reporting. These proposed amendments impact all public companies subject to the reporting requirements of the Security Exchange Act of 1934. To summarize this proposal and learn how to successfully prepare for them, read on.

How Managed Risk Best Addresses the Three Pillars of Cybersecurity

Comparing and contrasting the effectiveness of Vulnerability Assessment (VA), Vulnerability Management (VM), Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (RBVM), and Managed Risk®. Performing a vulnerability assessment (VA), implementing a vulnerability management (VM) program, and upgrading your proactive security program with a risk-based vulnerability management (RBVM) approach may help your organization effectively deal with cybersecurity vulnerabilities.