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HITRUST: the Path to Cyber Resilience

There has been a lot of talk recently about cyber resilience. There is no doubt that the ability to bounce back from a security event is important, however, all of the resiliency banter seems to be happening at the peril of sound risk management processes. It is safe to say that the path to resilience is paved with risk management.

The Aftermath: Steps to Recovering from a Malware Attack

Malware (shorthand for “malicious software”) is any intrusive software that can infiltrate your computer systems to damage or destroy them or to steal data from them. The most common types of malware attacks include viruses, worms, Trojans, and ransomware. Malware attacks are pervasive, and can be devastating to an unprepared business. Preparing for such attacks also means accepting the reality that eventually you will fall victim to one – and that you can then recover from it swiftly.

Vulnerability Scanners: Passive Scanning vs. Active Scanning

Vulnerabilities in enterprise environments create many opportunities for cyber criminals to attack the organization. Bad actors may take advantage of security misconfigurations, broken authentication processes, buffer overflows, and other vulnerabilities to spread malware, launch account takeover attacks, and steal large amounts of sensitive data. As of April 2022, the U.S.
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Four Takeaways as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Turns 4

May 25 2022, marked four years since the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. Although the scope of the law is limited to personal data originating from activities in the European Economic Area, the ensuing requirements have had a global impact. This is evident in similar laws that have been proposed or passed and measures multinational organizations have taken to comply with privacy requirements. In parallel, there has been a convergence of a principles' based approach to cybersecurity in many jurisdictions worldwide.

KillNet Utilizes CC-Attack: A Quick & Dirty DDoS Method

During the course of 2022, SecurityScorecard has been tracking multiple DDoS campaigns that have been targeting entities within the Ukrainian government, as well as other European government targets that are perceived to be allied with Ukraine government interests. One of the groups at the forefront of these DDoS attacks is the hacking collective known as KillNet.

5 Ways to Effectively Prevent Data Leakage

Nowadays, it’s common to hear about yet another high-profile security breach in which critical data is leaked, resulting in damage to the organization’s reputation and bottom line. Unfortunately, it's impossible to remove all risks in your organization but there are ways to best protect against them and improve your security posture.

How to Use Cyber Assurance Programs to Manage Risk Based on Business Outcomes

If you’ve been following any of our recent webinars or in-person presentations, you’ve heard us talk a lot about shifting the mindset from a focus on compliance to a risk-first approach. We’ve discussed that the best way to do this is to align your risk management program to specific outcomes, where compliance becomes a subset of your risk management program. But what does that mean specifically? And what are some examples of how this can be done?

CISO Insights: The Power of Risk Intelligence

In today’s digitally-connected world, cyber risk is no longer a matter of probabilities, but certainties. This requires CISOs to rethink their reactive risk management program by evolving to embrace a proactive risk intelligence approach. With a risk intelligence-informed program, CISOs and their teams can continuously collect insights in a way that enables proactive, holistic, and data-driven decisions about security.