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The Next Generation of Risk Registers is Here

A risk register is a tool used to manage potential problems or risks within an organization. It helps to identify and prioritize risks, their likelihood of occurrence, and provides ways to mitigate them. Risk registers allow you to play offense and defense – you’re proactively planning for potential challenges and minimizing their impact on your project’s success in the event that the roadmap does veer off course.

How resilient is your supply chain?

This week kicks off the 6th annual National Supply Chain Integrity Month, an initiative started by CISA and other government agencies to highlight the importance of securing our nation’s most critical systems. This year’s theme, “Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) – The Recipe for Resilience,” is meant to encourage all stakeholders to apply a comprehensive approach in their efforts to strengthen cyber defenses.

OFAC and Vendor Management: What You Need to Know

Are you aware of the risks involved in doing business with parties sanctioned by the Office of Financial Assets Control (OFAC)? How does this impact your vendor management? OFAC stands for Office of Foreign Assets Control within the Treasury Department. As part of the U.S. government measure to enforce anti-money laundering/counter terrorism financing regulations, OFAC oversees economic and trade sanctions. These sanctions are against countries, individuals, or outfits engaged in disreputable actions.

6 Ways To Use SecurityScorecard APIs and Integrations

Optimize your security workflows and deliver intelligence everywhere you work with the largest ecosystem of integrated technology partners in cyber risk ratings. SecurityScorecard provides Application Programming Interface (API) access for all our data allowing you to get more contextual security insights, app integrations, and detailed information about your current or prospective vendors. You can leverage our APIs and Integrations in the following ways.

ChatGPT: The Cyber Risk vs. Reward

There has been a lot of talk about ChatGPT since it burst onto the market several months ago. And despite its infancy and the lack of standardized regulations around intelligent automation — the OpenAI tool has exploded into the tech ecosystems of businesses everywhere. While many see significant benefits from its use, few discuss the cyber risk to the industry and our organizations.

What is Vulnerability Monitoring? Benefits, Tools, and Best Practices

In today’s ever changing cyber risk landscape, your organization must adopt a vulnerability management framework to control exposure and remediate risks in a timely manner. In an earlier blog, we explained the vulnerability management process. Here, we explore a key part of that process – vulnerability monitoring – in greater depth.

New regulation from the SEC to require companies to report how cyber risk could affect them financially

Against the backdrop of the growing frequency and severity of cyber attacks against enterprises, proposed new regulations from The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are set to require publicly traded companies in the U.S. to analyze how cyber risk could affect financial statements. ‍

8 Dangerous Ransomware Examples

The threat of ransomware has been ever present in 2020, especially within the high-stakes industries like healthcare and those involved in the election. According to Verizon's 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report, 24% of security incidents that involved specific malware functionality exhibited ransomware functionality.

Committed to Improving the State of the World: Thoughts on the World Economic Forum's New Champions Leadership Dialogue

Following CEO and Co-Founder Aleksandr Yampolskiy’s attendance at Davos, and SecurityScorecard’s subsequent visit to Geneva to meet with world leaders at WEF Headquarters, Alex spoke this week to another community of WEF members near our headquarters in New York City during the Forum’s New Champions Leadership Dialogue. New Champions companies are mid-sized organizations transforming industries through new business models and market disruptions.

Cut Costs, Not Corners: Risk Management Today

In today’s business landscape, managing risk has become an increasingly critical concern. The “usual” risks (such as data breaches) paired with the completely unforeseen ones (like the collapse of SVB) have made companies more cautious with their next steps. With tighter budgets and limited resources, it can be quite challenging for CISOs and CTOs to effectively manage risk while ensuring business continuity.