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Best Practices for Software Supply Chain Security

In recent years the SolarWinds and Log4j breaches have spotlighted the importance of software supply chain security. Hackers have become increasingly sophisticated in their methods and now target the cloud-based software that organizations rely on, leading to significant security breaches. It’s essential for organizations to prioritize their security posture by implementing best practices for software supply chain security.

Reduce silos and prevent supply chain threats

We’ve entered the fourth and final week of National Supply Chain Integrity Month, an initiative started by CISA and other government agencies to highlight the importance of securing our nation’s most critical systems and ensuring they stay resilient. I started off the month with a post about maturing your third-party risk management program, and followed that up with two more posts dedicated to securing the small business supply chain and streamlining procurement.

Paws in the Pickle Jar: Risk & Vulnerability in the Model-sharing Ecosystem

Early 2023 has been characterized by an explosion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) breakthroughs. Image generators and large language models (LLMs) have captured global attention and fundamentally changed the Internet and the nature of modern work. But as AI / Machine Learning (ML) systems now support millions of daily users, has our understanding of the relevant security risks kept pace with this wild rate of adoption?

Boosting the Cyber Resilience of our Nation's Institutions

The White House’s ambitious national cyber strategy— which represents a shift away from decades-old voluntary compliance guidelines to a more aggressive regulatory approach of critical infrastructure firms—couldn’t come at a better time. A recent study found that local governments were the organizations least capable of disrupting ransomware attacks, and that they were also among the ransomware victims to pay ransoms most frequently (43% paid a ransom after an incident).

Benefits of Risk Management Software

Enterprise risk management (ERM) has become increasingly important in today’s complex business environment, where organizations face a wide range of risks: operational, financial, regulatory, and more. To manage these risks effectively, companies are turning to risk management software, which streamlines the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks.

5 Things a Security Manager Should Check Every Morning

As a security manager, you have a wide variety of tasks you need to complete in order to protect your organization — as well as your employee and customer data. Of course, some of these responsibilities are performed on a quarterly or yearly basis, such as gathering information for audits or conducting annual assessments. But there are certain tasks that you should be completing daily in order to maintain the desired security posture and reduce cyber risk across your expanding attack surface.

New high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2023-29552) discovered in the Service Location Protocol (SLP)

Researchers from Bitsight and Curesec have jointly discovered a high-severity vulnerability — tracked as CVE-2023-29552 — in the Service Location Protocol (SLP), a legacy Internet protocol. Attackers exploiting this vulnerability could leverage vulnerable instances to launch massive Denial-of-Service (DoS) amplification attacks with a factor as high as 2200 times, potentially making it one of the largest amplification attacks ever reported.

How to Assess Cyber Risk for Potential Vendors (Complete Guide)

Assessing cyber risk for potential vendors is one of the most important aspects of managing third-party risk for any organization. The vendor risk assessment process helps businesses decide which partners or service providers to work with and, more importantly, who to trust with their most sensitive data.

How Do You Determine Vendor Criticality?

Vendor criticality is the level of risk that vendors are categorized into during the risk assessment phase. Determining vendor criticality is an essential part of the third-party risk management (TPRM) program to help organizations better prioritize their risk remediation goals. As part of the vendor risk assessment and vendor due diligence process, understanding the risk criticality levels of each vendor plays a huge role in preventing data breaches from occurring.

ScorecardX Integrates with OpenAI's GPT-4

As part of SecurityScorecard’s commitment to making the world a safer place, we are now the first and only security ratings platform to integrate with OpenAI’s GPT-4 system. With this natural language processing capability, cybersecurity leaders can find immediate answers and suggested mitigations for high-priority cyber risks.