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Get Started with SOC 2 for Vendor Risk Management

SOC 2 reports evaluate internal controls to see how well a company identifies, assesses, mitigates, and monitors risks. In the context of third-party risk management (TPRM), a SOC 2 can give you confidence that your critical vendors are following best practices to protect your data. If you’re getting started with SOC 2 for third-party risk management or need an update, this blog has got you covered.

How to Build a Cyber Resilient Framework

Cyber attacks aren’t just on the rise; they are skyrocketing. Incidents of ransomware alone nearly doubled last year. A new study by CrowdStrike finds that ransomware-related data leaks increased by 82% in 2021. Furthermore, ransom demands now average $6.1 million per incident, a 36% increase from 2020. Clearly, reacting to and remediating security threats when they arise is not going to cut it anymore.

Don't Manage Third-Party Risk Alone

New research from the Cyentia Institute found that 98% of organizations do business with a third party that has suffered a breach. The report also found that the average firm has 11 third-party relationships and hundreds of indirect fourth- and nth-party relationships. Bottom line: an expanding attack surface makes companies more prone to cyberattacks.

What is Zero Trust? Everything You Need to Know to Secure Vendor Access

Zero trust is a cybersecurity approach that restricts network access so only the right people are accessing the specific information they need —and nothing more. Here’s everything you need to know about the basic principles of Zero Trust and how to apply them to your third-party risk management program (TPRM) to create more secure remote access connections.

Advantages of End-to-End Security

End-to-end security is critical for businesses to navigate today’s digital age. The more consumers and businesses communicate, and transfer their information online, the more vital it is to keep that shared data confidential and secure. Leaving your endpoints (and the communication traveling between them) unsecure increases the risk that confidential data may land in the hands of malicious actors.

Password Security: How To Protect Credentials Across Your Supply Chain

Many major stories about cyberattacks or data breaches have one weak link in common: passwords. Oftentimes, the simple alphanumeric password that acts as gatekeeper to our personal phones and email accounts is the same one that protects enterprise businesses’ servers. And passwords are only as strong as we make them. Unfortunately, though, most employees—76 percent of Americans, according to research we conducted in 2022—never change their passwords, or only do so when forced to.

How cybersecurity's "5 Percent Rule" could help you avoid the next cyber attack

It’s not easy being a cybersecurity leader these days. Security vulnerabilities in software, hardware, and devices are rising in number and severity, bringing with them risk of ransomware, breach, and other dangerous cybersecurity incidents. The risks presented by vulnerabilities are rising fast: Here’s the important question: With cyber vulnerabilities rising and presenting increasingly serious risks, are organizations doing enough to fight back? The answer might surprise you.

Shine a Light on Shadow IT: Vanta Launches Category-First Vendor Risk Management Solution

Delivering a single platform to assess vendor risk, automate security reviews and remediate issues. Supercharged Access Reviews ensure the right users have access to the right systems. AI-powered Questionnaire Automation increases accuracy and reduces time-intensive tasks.

A Mere Five Percent of Vulnerable Enterprises Fix Their Issues Every Month: How to Help Them Do Better?

Software vulnerabilities are one of the leading threats to an organization's cybersecurity posture, yet recent research from Bitsight reveals that enterprises affected by software vulnerabilities resolve them at a typical compound rate1 of only about 5% per month compounded continuously. However, there is evidence of much faster remediation for certain classes of vulnerabilities.

A new way to proactively manage third-party risk: Vendor Risk Management

Businesses are using more SaaS applications than ever, with an average of 110 apps per organization. This proliferation of third-party applications means increasingly more customer and employee data is handled by external vendors. ‍ Ensuring your third-party vendors are secure by tracking risk, conducting reviews, and responding to issues is a security best practice and compliance requirement. Unfortunately, this process is often a manual — and expensive — one.