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Sumo Logic brings full coverage to modern IT and SecOps workflows with ServiceNow

Modern, digital-first businesses rely on agile, optimized IT and security operations teams to effectively monitor and secure their complex applications, infrastructure and workflows that ultimately drive increased productivity and improved user experiences. Implementing a high-performance, end-to-end process to achieve these positive outcomes can be challenging as it oftentimes requires combining multiple data silos and technologies for different teams with contrasting roles and responsibilities.

Elastic on Elastic Series: Data collected to the Infosec SIEM

The Elastic Infosec Detections and Analytics team is responsible for building, tuning, and maintaining the security detections used to protect all Elastic systems. Within Elastic we call ourselves Customer Zero and we strive to always use the newest versions of our products.

Leveraging Threat Intelligence and SIEM to See the Big Picture

Can you recall exactly how good or bad your vision was following your last eye exam? Most of us can’t. A casual poll around the office showed that many people focus only on whether our eye doctor says we need an updated prescription for glasses or contacts. Often, we walk away with a new script but without a clear understanding of our overall eye health, i.e., whether our eyesight got better or worse since the previous visit.

Deterring ransomware for state and local government

According to FBI Director, Christopher Wray, when it comes to ransomware disruption and prevention, “...there’s a shared responsibility, not just across government agencies but across the private sector and even the average American.” At Elastic, we’re here to help state and local governments. Ransomware attacks cost the U.S. government more than $18.9 billion in 2020 alone.

Five Reasons Why Speed is Important in Cybersecurity

Usually, when it comes to cybersecurity spending, people tend to try to calculate risk, savings on breach costs, compliance gaps, reputation costs. Those are all very relevant, but it turns out that for the business, one of the most important aspects of cybersecurity is speed. Below are five different aspects of speed by which a cybersecurity solution (e.g. a SIEM) should be evaluated.

Global Confidence: Using crowdsourcing and machine learning to scale your SOC resources

Our mission is to create a force multiplier for SOC teams and security analysts so they can reduce the time to verdict or judgment while triaging new Insights. At Sumo Logic, we take a different approach than other SIEM solutions. We don’t just create alerts and leave the analyst to gather other artifacts to gain context. We associate and group alerts, or what we call Signals, to an Entity (IP, User, Hostname, etc...).