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Operationalizing Data Security Posture Management

Operationalizing any new security platform begins with the process of integrating the platform with an organization’s existing infrastructure and workflows. To get the most value out of the system we need to offer an easy path to adoption if we want to crossover from theoretical security concepts into practical, day-to-day operations that protect against cyber threats. Technology change is hard, but changing the way people work is even harder.

FOG Ransomware Targets Higher Education

In Q2 2024, the Kroll Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Team observed an increase in activity around a new ransomware group named FOG. FOG was initially observed in May 2024, and since then has been heavily targeting higher educational institutions in the U.S. by exploiting compromised VPN credentials. Kroll's review of a recent FOG binary (1.exe) found no exfiltration or persistence mechanisms directly integrated.

Another Case for Cyber Resilience: A Large-Scale Extortion Campaign and Best Practices for Data Security in the Cloud

Recently, a widespread cloud extortion operation—affecting 110,000 domains and involving significant financial demands—was uncovered. Unit 42, the cybersecurity research division of Palo Alto Networks, released a report this month detailing how threat actors exploited misconfigured.env files to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive data, and demand ransoms after deleting cloud assets.

Rubrik Introduces Data Protection for Salesforce

According to Gartner, by 2028, 75% of enterprises will prioritize backup of SaaS applications as a critical requirement, compared with 15% in 2024. Many of the largest organizations in the world rely on Salesforce as their CRM app that powers their business operations, helping them drive revenue faster.

Ransomware Group Known as 'Royal' Rebrands as BlackSuit and Is Leveraging New Attack Methods

The ransomware threat group formerly known as "Royal" has rebranded itself as BlackSuit and updated their attack methods, warns the FBI. The latest advisory from the FBI on ransomware threat group BlackSuit, is actually an updated 18-month-old advisory originally released to warn organizations about the threat group Royal. It appears that the group has rebranded, according to the advisory, and has updated their methods of attack.

The Long Road to Recovery Following a Ransomware Attack

When it comes to the duration of a ransomware attack and the subsequent recovery process, the numbers are staggering and vary wildly. Partly because there’s no single source which compiles all the information in a consistent manner. On average, a cyber attack can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks, with the recovery time often extending to months or even years.

X-FILES Infostealer: Unraveling a Potent Threat to Global Cybersecurity

In the dynamic world of cyber threats, the X-FILES stealer has emerged as a particularly dangerous and sophisticated piece of malware. First discovered in March 2021, this malware gained significant attention after a second variant surfaced later that year. Known for its efficiency in targeting vulnerable systems globally, X-FILES has become a top priority for cybersecurity professionals.

Ransomware Payments Decline While Data Exfiltration Payments Are On The Rise

The latest data from Coveware shows a slowing of attack efficacy, a decrease in ransom payments being made, and a shift in initial access tactics. According to Coveware’s Q2 2024 Ransomware Quarterly Report, we see a few interesting trends: A new data point brought to light this quarter is the data exfiltration only (DXF) payment trend, which is relatively flat despite fluctuating between 53% in Q1 of 2022 when tracking began, down to a low of 23% in Q1 of this year.

FBI and International Partners Dismantle Dispossessor Ransomware Operation

In a major breakthrough against cybercrime, the FBI, in collaboration with international partners, successfully disrupted the Dispossessor ransomware operation, seizing its servers and websites. This operation, which involved agencies from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, marks a significant step forward in the global fight against ransomware.