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Cybersecurity Threats to the US Water Industry

In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity is a significant – and relevant – threat to individuals and companies alike. Cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to steal information for personal gain through exploitation or ransom demands. It’s become unfortunately commonplace to hear tales of drained checking accounts, leaked photos, and private documents being published to the masses.

What is a Security Breach?

A security breach is when an incident occurs that results in unauthorized access to sensitive data, applications, networks or devices. Typically, when a security breach happens the intruder is able to bypass security measures that were put in place to keep them out. As a result of a security breach, a company or organization’s public image suffers, which can lead to the company losing money. The company or organization could also suffer legal consequences.

Reducing the Impact of Third-Party Breaches (8 Strategies)

Third-party breaches have become a common phenomenon in the modern cyber threat landscape. In 2021, the Ponemon Insitute estimated that 51% of organizations were impacted by third-party breaches. The 2022 report found that data breach damage costs associated with third-party vulnerabilities rose from US$ 4.33 million in 2021 to US$ 4.55 million in 2022.

What Is the Average Cost of a Data Breach in India?

According to the IBM Security Data Breach Report of 2022, India's average data breach cost is at a record high of Rs 17.6 crore (Rs 175 million, which is around $2.2 million) for the fiscal year of 2022. This is a 6.6% increase from last year's Rs 16.5 crore and an uptick of 25% from the average cost of Rs 14 crore in 2020, as stated by IBM analysts.

Key Points from the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022

The volume and impact of data breaches have accelerated largely in 2022, which has contributed to many adverse effects for businesses. Tc highlights several updated factors that have generated great costs across 17 countries and regions, and 17 industries.he report has included new related areas of analysis such as.

LastPass attackers steal source code, no evidence users' passwords compromised

LastPass, the popular password manager used by millions of people around the world, has announced that it suffered a security breach two weeks ago that saw attackers break into its systems and steal information. But don’t panic just yet – that doesn’t mean that all of your passwords are now in the hands of internet criminals.

How Independent School Districts (ISDs) Can Prevent Data Breaches

Independent school districts (ISDs) are the perfect target for cybercriminals because their networks are typically poorly secured. Many schools have inadequate security practices due to the lack of education, training, or funding. ISDs are publicly funded primary and secondary educational institutions, including elementary, middle, and high schools.

As the cost of data breaches soars to an all-time high, what should your company do to guard its precious crown jewels?

No business can survive without data and tons of business data are churned daily. Of all data, intellectual property is at the heart of all business activities and the “Crown Jewels” of the organization. Therefore, to prevent information of an organization from being used for fraudulent activities, hacking, phishing, and identity theft it is important to protect the data.

3 Security Lessons We Haven't Learned From the Kaseya Breach

Not everyone had the luxury of enjoying BBQ and backyard time during Fourth of July weekend. Kaseya, an IT management software provider, spent their 2021 holiday fighting a ransomware attack. You likely saw news of the attack in headlines over that holiday weekend, especially considering Kaseya is a technology provider to thousands of managed service providers.