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Part II: A Journey Into the World of An Automated Security Operation Center (SOC)

Security operation teams continuously aim to focus on two main things: 1. Real cyber security threats (also known as “True Positive Alerts”), and 2. Reducing response time, especially when you have so many different sources to monitor. However, in reality, we deal with hundreds of security alerts on a daily basis, many of which are false positives that waste our valuable time. This is where incident response/security automation becomes a requirement rather than nice to have.

Conti Ransomware: An Analysis of Key Findings

Amidst the turmoil of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, incident responders and ransomware researchers observed several ransomware gangs publish statements on their dark web blog sites. Some actors asserted the apolitical nature of their operations, while others clearly favored a side. Most notably, the Conti ransomware group posted a public statement in support of Russia with a stern warning of retaliation on February 25, 2022.

4 Questions to Ask About Building a Security Operations Center

Building an in-house security operations center represents a significant commitment, both financially and strategically, to securing your enterprise. According to the 2021 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM — which is based on the results of a survey of more than 1,000 security practitioners — 73% of respondents said their SOC was “very important” or “essential” to their organization’s overall cybersecurity strategy.

vCISOs Explained: The Benefits and Drawbacks

An increasing number of modern security conscious companies have Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) on the payroll to help them manage their environment from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Unfortunately, many other organizations are not currently able to employ a full time CISO. This can be related to a series of contributing factors including a lack of necessary budget, competing priorities, or unfilled vacancies due to a shortage of qualified candidates.

SecOps in a Post-Covid World: 3 Security Trends to Watch

By now, you’ve probably read loads of articles that discuss the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on business, politics, the economy and much more.But what about SecOps? What permanent effects has COVID wrought on the way businesses secure IT assets? Let’s explore those questions by examining three key security trends that promise to endure long after the pandemic has finally receded.

Empower Your SOC with New Applications in the CrowdStrike Store

With chaos seemingly surrounding us in security, it can be hard to cut through the noise. How do you detect and prioritize evolving threats and what tools should you use to address them? With new attacks and vulnerabilities on the rise, combined with ineffective security tools and the industry’s ongoing skill shortage, security operations center (SOC) teams struggle to protect organizations from adversaries.

4 Security Operations Center Best Practices for Success

The security operations center (SOC) plays a critical role in any enterprise’s effort to protect its data from rapidly evolving cybersecurity threats. However, for a variety of reasons revealed in the 2021 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM — which is based on the results of a survey of more than 1,000 security practitioners — organizations are frustrated with their SOC’s lack of effectiveness in performing its vital work.

Top Cyber Attacks of February 2022

The world is in a tumultuous place at the time of this writing, with all eyes on the escalating ground war unfolding in Ukraine. As devastating as the news has been, cybersecurity observers are well aware of the unseen battles unfolding simultaneously in cyberspace. The importance of businesses, governments, and other organizations protecting vital systems and sensitive data has never faced such a stark context.

Fast Company Recognizes Arctic Wolf as "Most Innovative Company" Alongside Iconic Industry Pioneers

We are excited to share that Arctic Wolf® is ranked 42nd on Fast Company’s Top 50 Most Innovative Companies List, and number 2 in the award’s Security category. This prestigious list recognizes businesses that are making the biggest impact within their industries and on culture as a whole—companies thriving in today’s dynamics. At Arctic Wolf, we constantly innovate because cyber threats are continually impacting our world, whether as organizations or as individuals.