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5 Ways Automated Incident Response Reduces Toil

Toil — endless, exhausting work that yields little value in DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE) — is the scourge of security engineers everywhere. You end up with mountains of toil if you rely on manual effort to maintain cloud security. Your engineers spend a lot of time doing mundane jobs that don’t actually move the needle. Toil is detrimental to team morale because most technicians will become bored if they spend their days repeatedly solving the same problems.

Top Cyber Attacks of April 2022

The attacks came from all corners in the past month, as cybercriminals used administrative access codes, stolen internal data, laser-focused programming tools, and even humble job applications to worm their way into organizations' inner workings. Let's look at some of the strange and sinister innovations that shaped the world of cybercrime this April.
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What Is CSPM? A Closer Look at Cloud Security Posture Management

As we previously discussed in the Automating Your Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) Response blog post, CSPM is a vital component in any environment leveraging cloud services. Whether you are using a single cloud or are in a multi-cloud scenario, the complexity of these cloud platforms is constantly expanding. Staying on top of new changes in policies and functionality to ensure that you are maintaining a secure environment is daunting - and almost impossible to do without automation. No one has the resources to spend on maintaining a large team of cloud specialists who just audit everything that is in use.

Critical Vulnerability in Multiple WSO2 Products Exploited - CVE-2022-29464

Over the past week, threat actors have started scanning for and opportunistically exploiting CVE-2022-29464--a remote code execution vulnerability in multiple WSO2 products used to integrate application programming interfaces (API), applications, and web services. CVE-2022-29464 vulnerability has a CVSS score of 9.8 and severity of Critical which allowed unauthenticated and remote attackers to execute arbitrary code in the following products.

Cybersecurity Best Practices for the Oil and Gas Industry

While every sector of the economy experiences cyber attacks, the oil and gas industry is a particularly enticing target because there are inherent weaknesses in its rapidly expanding digital landscape. It's also an industry that can't afford to go offline at any time, which means cybercriminals can force quick action from those they attack.

Automated Threat Hunting: A Closer Look

Proactively finding and eliminating advanced threats through threat hunting is a growing necessity for many organizations, yet few have enough resources or skilled employees to do it effectively. For those who do have an active threat hunting program, the process is often manual and time consuming. With cloud security automation, however, you can implement rules that automatically adjust your security policies based on the latest threat data.

The Cybersecurity Dangers of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency, the next generation of money. Adored by luminaries from Elon Musk to Snoop Dogg. Now the official currency of El Salvador, and a funding source for Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion. But is crypto really all that it seems? Cryptocurrency has tremendous potential to address a host of the world’s financial issues: from limited access to financial resources, to ineffective and costly payment and transfer services.

What Is Identity Lifecycle Management?

If you help to manage cloud environments, you’re probably familiar with the concept of identity lifecycle management. Identity lifecycle management helps you keep track of who is allowed to do what within your cloud. But merely understanding identity lifecycle management isn’t enough to administer modern cloud identities effectively. You also need a way to automate identity lifecycle management at massive scale.